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Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Lincoln And Abraham Lincolns I Have A Dream Speech
Once, a man named Martin Luther King Jr. asserted, â€Å"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.†Martin Luther King Jr. was an astute abolitionist who performed a vital speech called I Have a Dream. There is another well-known speech just like this one by Abraham Lincoln called The Gettysburg Address. After attentively analyzing, comparing, and contrasting these two fundamental speeches in history, the readers have developed a question: how are these speaker’s perspectives of America comparable? These two intellectuals had similar viewpoints of America on the injustice of the nation and used their speeches to influence the nation that segregation and slavery,†¦show more content†¦Correspondingly, Abraham Lincoln and MLK Jr. both dedicated and risked their lives for this idea of equality throughout the nation. Abraham Lincoln says in The Gettysburg Address, â€Å"It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us†¦.†The readers garner that the reason they created their speeches was a call to arms to make the racism throughout the nation widely known. They both allured their audience, every man, woman, and child in the United States of America, to know that slavery and segregation needed to stop. They intended to change the nation for the better by informing the masses about how relevant the ending of inequity is. Correspondingly, the speeches both had allusions to important historical documents in them. In Abraham Lincolns speech, The Gettysburg Address, he states in the first sentence â€Å"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.†The readers construe that this specific line refers to 87 years from then when the founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence giving America fre edom from Great Britain. Abraham Lincoln not only refers to an important document in US history, but MLK Jr. also mentionsShow MoreRelatedEssay on I have a dream748 Words  | 3 Pages I Have a Dream Martin Luther King 1.Comment on the language and style of King’s speech â€Å"I Have a Dream†. The speech â€Å"I Have a Dream†was delivered by Martin Luther King on the occasion of the centenary celebrations of Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation on 28th August 1963. 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Issues such as slavery, negro social and political rights, and saving the Union in a nation based on the Declaration of Independence. Lincoln had many strength as well as flaws. He considered himself a common man and was not interested in his ancestry. Lincoln was a self educated man, who had never had a full year of schooling in his life. But, the 16th President of the United StatesRead MoreComparasion Essay Abraham Lincoln vs Martin Luther King1213 Words  | 5 PagesAbraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King both influenced history at different time for very similar beliefs. They bought fought for civil rights of African Americans who did not always have the rights they have now. They were once slaves and owned by white people .As slaves they were required to do what they were told. A slave had no rights and was treated like a nobody. They were often beaten physically and mentally. Lincoln fought for the freedom of slaves
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Sociological Evolution Of Humankind - 897 Words
The sociological evolution of humankind has brought upon several types of societies that have allowed us to categorize their progressive benchmarks as a whole. Two of the main society-types that are worth being considered are the simple and advanced horticultural societies. The two society-types are perhaps very similar in certain descriptions, however they differ from one another in specific social characteristics. Generally, the two horticultural societies are considered to be less primitive when compared to the social characteristics of its predecessor societyâ€â€hunting- gathering. In fact, the first evidence of a division of labor happened to appear in simple horticultural societies, whereas the people from the hunting-gathering societies lacked the development specializations related to the production of food. On the other hand, the two horticultural societies were not considerably defined as the full potential of the human species. The understanding of how the society-type s were correlated towards a progressive direction is nonetheless revealed once the two horticultural societies are compared and contrasted. To begin contrasting the two societies, the simple horticultural societies were first of all known to be composed of smaller population numbers as opposed to the advanced horticultural societies. More specifically, the simple horticultural societies contained 13.8 persons per square mile as opposed to the advanced horticultural societies which contained 42.7Show MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of Designer Babies943 Words  | 4 Pagesadvanced or scientifically intelligent. We have the ability to explore outer space and the depths of the oceans. We are even in the process of developing organs using 3D printing technology. But there is a limit to the extent of advancements that humankind can reach before some begin to pose dangers to humanity or become unethical. Currently, technology is being developed to expand the procedure of in vitro fertilization to genetically modify embryos. The products of this engineering are commonly knownRead MoreA Research Study Of Sociology1708 Words  | 7 Pages Scientists have been looking over groups and societies and observing them for many years. In doing this they were examining individuals of different social classes along with statuses and observing their role in humankind this they labeled as the study of sociology. This evolved into a form of study beginning in the 19th century as scientists began to observe and study differences in social classes among people. The way people communicate together, the way they act, and the way they work togetherRead MoreArranged Marriage And Other Types Of Marriage1635 Words  | 7 Pagespeople. There are multiple views on arranged marriage, both positive and negative. In the west, most individuals have negative opinions on arranged marriage. Arranged marriage can be researched and analyzed from an anthropological, psychological and sociological perspective. Through the three perspectives, many distinctive differences and similarities between arranged marriage and other types of marriage such as, love marriage can be seen. This research essay will analyze arranged marriage from the perspectiveRead MoreModernization Theory Of The Post War Years1324 Words  | 6 Pagesthemselves as the technological leader of the world and a model to be emulated. Along with growing fears about Cold War tensions and the threat of communism, the domestic post-war environment contributed to the emergence of the predominant American sociological and economic theory of the post-war years: modernization theory. Though many new theories have emerged since the development of modernization theory, of which Walt Whitman Rostow was one of the leading figures, and it has seen fluctuations in itsRead MoreINTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 BY SAQUILAYAN2009 Words  | 9 Pagesconcerned with repetitive and recurrent forms of behavior, attitudes, beliefs, values, norms and social institutions that make up the social order ( Panopio Rolda, 2000) Social Interactions: †¢ The responses between individuals are perhaps the basic sociological concepts because such interactions are the elementary components of all relationships. †¢ These interactions can be examined from both MICRO and MACRO perspectives, though neither can be divorced from the other. MICROSOCIOLOGISTS †¢ Are those whoRead More Genophilosophy Essay2576 Words  | 11 Pagespsychological structure, as philosophical, historical or sociological entity will change with a high degree of unpredictability. Gene technology requires dealing with, and reinterpreting terms such as reproduction, individuality, history, freedom and subjectivity. Many people consider 1989 as the symbolic turning point, when the epoch of history and society started to be replaced by the epoch of biotechnology, genetic engineering or most recently evolution-technology. We can say, that we are at the beginningRead More Sexual Deviancy and the Internet Essay examples1769 Words  | 8 PagesPedophiles and rapists use these forms to lure their next victim into their clutches. As our technology increases for the purported betterment of mankind so does the exploitation of that which was meant for good. It wasn’t always this way, evolution of humankind and technology form a dangerous mix. If evolutionary change has taught us anything, it’s that behaviors and attitudes change with the times. Sexual acts historically were and sometimes still are, seen as private and sacred acts of sexualRead MoreArranged Marriage From The Perspective Of All Three Social Sciences1950 Words  | 8 Pagesof many. There are multiple views on arranged marriage, both positive and negative. Here in the west many have negative opinions on arranged marriages. Arranged marriage can be researched and analyzed from an anthropological, psychological and sociological perspective. Through the three perspectives, many distinctive differences and similarities between arranged marriage and other types of marriage such as love/choice marriage can be seen. This research essay will analyze arranged marriage from theRead MoreArranged Marriage From The Perspective Of All Three Social Sciences2030 Words  | 9 Pagesmany. There are multiple views on arranged marriage, both positive and negative. In the west most individuals have negative opinions on arranged marriages. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Corporate Governance Tourism
Question: Discuss about the Corporate Governance Tourism. Answer: Introduction Tourism industry plays an important role for managing the activities of tourist and providing effective destination and time management for the tourists (Komppula 2014). The report shows the analysis of the role of director and their selection criteria for the Tourism Australia. Position Description of Director in Tourism Australia According to Nickson (2013), the director plays an important role for performing all the activities of the business operations of the Tourism Australia. The director is bound to perform activities like, 1. Conduct Board Of Director meetings 2. Fix the targets and monitor the performance (financial as well) 3. Approve the strategies of Tourism Australia 4. Align the objectives according to the requisites 5. Consider the annual management budget 6. Identify the corporate risks and analyze the mitigation techniques 7. Determine the level of authority as per the delegations Figure 1: Context of Tourism Australias governance (Source: Dredge and Jamal 2013, pp- 579) Selection criteria for Director in Tourism Australia According to Houlihan et al. (2013), the criteria for being selected as the director of Tourism Australia are; Perquisites: The candidate must have tertiary level of qualifications within the tourism field for employment in Tourism Australia. Preference: The candidate having previous experiences in administration of tourism industry would be preferred for the job in Tourism Australia. Skills: According to Flaherty and Choi (2014), prone to use computer knowledge, good administrative skills, use of polite language for communication, neat and professional attire, caring disposition, and approach should be energetic for customer service. Conclusion The director of Tourism Australia has to provide effective leadership and management, and control and monitor all the activities of the business. The appointment of director in Tourism Australia would require application for governance tools and identification of the stakeholders for the business. References: Dredge, D. and Jamal, T., 2013. Mobilities on the Gold Coast, Australia: Implications for destination governance and sustainable tourism.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,21(4), pp.557-579. Flaherty, J. and Choi, H.S.C., 2014. Is writing important for graduate success? A preliminary investigation into the communication skills required of Hospitality and Tourism graduates.Teaching and Learning Innovations,16. Houlihan, S., Perez, L., Houlihan, D. and Kruger, A., 2013. Creation of a Selection Program for Indigenous Students at an Eco-tourism Focused High School in the Ecuadorian Amazon Region.Education Research Journal,3(4), p.83. Komppula, R., 2014. The role of individual entrepreneurs in the development of competitiveness for a rural tourism destinationA case study.Tourism Management,40, pp.361-371. Nickson, D., 2013.Human resource management for hospitality, tourism and events. Routledge.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
This Earth of Mankind Essay Example
This Earth of Mankind Paper This report is based on an interview of Pramodeya Ananta Toer which explains the background thought processes of his four book series the â€Å"Buru Quartet†however the references taken shall be based solely on the first book of the quartet â€Å"This Earth of Mankind†. Pramodeya says that the idea for Minke the male protagonist of the quartet was based mostly on â€Å"Willem Wertheim†a Dutch scholar, this seems mostly ironic as one of the main antagonists in the novel happens to be the Dutch government and it is against Dutch colonialism that Minke stands up but as Toer says â€Å"He brought out the characters who had been erased from our history. Not only this but also â€Å"I had students pore over newspaper stories from the period and wove episodes into the plot†thus it cannot be said that the lead character was based solely on one inspiration, however we do see that Minke happens to be more ambitious than his fellow countrymen and also has a more enlightened attitude which does have a European or in this case Dutch in nature and hence could explain Toer saying he was based on Willem. We also notice the similarity of the book with the events at the time when Toer was writing the book such as the power of the ruling government to take over private businesses in order to run them ‘fairly†and act as caretakers as seen in the Dutch taking over the Nyai’s business, and we also see the apparent class system and high level of social segregation which was still present in Toer’s time, it also seems that Pramodeya did have a direct source to base Minke on in the form of the Philippine novelist ‘Jose Rizal’ who was executed by the Spanish in 1896 after three years of imprisonment and torture for championing freedom from colonial rule however he does not mention this. We will write a custom essay sample on This Earth of Mankind specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on This Earth of Mankind specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on This Earth of Mankind specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We also see that Minke’s main enemy other than the Dutch was Robert Surhoff a man so confused by his own birth that he develops a superiority complex in order to make himself appear better than his fellow countrymen as can be seen by his calling Minke Indo all the time considering the title ‘Bupati’ beneath him even though it was a position of power more than he could ever have this however was one of the numerous people suffering from similar Psychological problems due to the changing time. The idea as Toer says came from an Eurasian gang organized by the Dutch to terrorize the people of Jakarta and this is also pretty much what Robert Surhoff is also doing, another thing that is also most remarkable is the irony of the situation that the very people they try to imitate and please, by harming their own brethren in order to get their acceptance do not treat them with much respect and also consider them below their level. Which can be seen in the novel that the Dut ch born first son of Mr. Mellema is given preference to the property over Mellema’s half Dutch children this concept is a forerunner to the idea of 2nd class or 3rd class citizenship which is still another form of Racism left over from colonial rule. Pramodeya’s inspiration from other works such as John Steinbeck’s â€Å"Of Mice and Men†and the works of Gorky and Tolstoy are quite evident. Pramodeya integrated the running theme of â€Å"Try to understand each other†from ‘Of Mice and Men’ into his quartet as it seems the only way out of the problem that the colonials and the colonialists are facing is if the two groups try and understand each other and Pramodeya in a way is showing what happens when individuals and communities on a whole do not understand the other persons view point and try to assert that they are right or superior over the other. Other concepts also evidently integrated in the novel taken from Steinbeck’s novel are dreams, loneliness, how mans prosperity achieves cruelty, powerlessness, and uncertainty of the future  or fate. All seen in the life of Minke and how he progresses through out the first novel as not only his rise to fame gain him the enemity of his Rubert Surhoff and Mellema but also that of his brother to an extent and also that he dreams of changing not only his life but also the life of his fellow people however in the face of the unexpected events and ‘fate’ he was helpless/powerless. Also from Gorky’s work we see Pramodeya geting the idea of showing the social fabric of Indonesia in the novel and to show the distinctive charecterists of Indonesian people and to give a psychological aspect to the novel.
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