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Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Quotations from President Abraham Lincoln
Quotations from President Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln served as Americas 16th President of the United States, during the American Civil War. He was assassinated soon after beginning his second term as president. Following are quotes from the man many believe to be the most significant president. On Patriotism and Politics With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nations wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan - to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. Said during the Second Inaugural Address given on Saturday, March 4, 1865. What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried? Stated during the Cooper Union Speech made on February 27, 1860. A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved - I do not expect the house to fall - but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Stated in the House Divided speech delivered at the Republican State Convention on June 16, 1858 in Springfield, Illinois. On Slavery and Racial Equality If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. Stated in a letter to A. G. Hodges written on April, 4, 1864. [A]mong free men, there can be no successful appeal from the ballot to the bullet; and that they who take such appeal are sure to lose their cause, and pay the cost. Written in a letter to James C. Conkling. This was to be read to individuals who attended a rally on September 3, 1863. As a nation, we began by declaring that all men are created equal. We now practically read it, All men are created equal, except Negroes. When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read, All men are created equal except Negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics. When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some other country where they make no pretense of loving liberty - to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, without the base alloy of hypocrisy. Written in a letter to Joshua Speed on August 24, 1855. Speed and Lincoln had been friends since the 1830s. On Honesty Truth is generally the best vindication against slander. Stated in a letter to the Secretary of War Edwin Stanton on July 18, 1864. It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you cant fool all of the people all the time. Attributed to Abraham Lincoln. However, there is some question about this. On Learning [B]ooks serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his arent very new, after all. Recalled by J. E. Gallaher in his book about Lincoln called Best Lincoln Stories: Tersely Told published in 1898.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Why September is Atlantic Hurricane Season
Why September is Atlantic Hurricane Season The Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1, but an equally important date to mark on your calendar is September 1- the start of the most active month for hurricane activity. Since official record keeping of hurricanes began in 1950, over 60% of all Atlantic named storms have developed in the months of August or September. What is it about late August and September that produces a flurry of tropical cyclones within the Atlantic Ocean? Generation of Storm Seedlings One of the reasons why cyclone activity climbs is the hyperactive African Easterly Jet (AEJ). The AEJ is an east-to-west oriented wind, much like the jet stream that flows across the US. As you may remember, temperature contrasts drive weather, including the flow of wind. The AEJ flows across Africa into the tropical Atlantic Ocean, thanks to the contrast in temperature between the dry, hot air over the Sahara Desert and the cooler, humid air over the forested areas of central Africa and the Gulf of Guinea. Since the flow near the AEJ goes faster than that further away in the surrounding air, what happens is that eddies begin to develop due to these differences in speed. When this happens, you get whats called a tropical wave- an unstable kink or wave in the main flow pattern that is visible on satellite as clusters of thunderstorms. By providing the initial energy and spin needed for a hurricane to develop, tropical waves act like seedlings of tropical cyclones. The more seedlings the AEJ generates, the more chances there are for tropical cyclone development. Sea Temperatures Still in Summer Mode Of course, having a storm seedling is only half of the recipe. A wave wont automatically grow into a tropical storm or hurricane, unless several of the atmospheres other conditions, including sea surface temperatures (SSTs), are favorable. While temperatures may be cooling off for us land-dwellers as fall begins, SSTs in the tropics are just reaching their peak. Because water has a higher heat capacity than land, it heats more slowly, which means the waters that have spent all summer absorbing the suns warmth are just reaching their maximum warmth at summers end. Sea surface temperatures must be 82 °F or warmer for a tropical cyclone to form and thrive, and in September, temperatures across the tropical Atlantic average 86 °F, nearly 5 degrees warmer than this threshold. Seasonal Peak When you look at hurricane climatology, youll see a sharp increase in the number of named storms forming between late August into September. This increase typically continues until September 10-11, which is thought of as the seasons peak. Peak doesnt necessarily mean multiple storms will form at once or be active across the Atlantic on this particular date, it simply highlights when the bulk of named storms will have occurred by. After this peak date, storm activity typically declines gently, with another five named storms, three hurricanes, and one major hurricane occurring on average by the seasons November 30 end. Most Atlantic Hurricanes at Once Although the word peak doesnt necessarily point to when the greatest number of cyclones will happen at once, there are several occasions when it did. The record for most hurricanes to ever occur at the same time in the Atlantic basin occurred in September 1998, when as many as four hurricanes- Georges, Ivan, Jeanne, and Karl- simultaneously spun across the Atlantic. As for the most tropical cyclones (storms and hurricanes) to ever exist at one time, a maximum of five occurred on September 10-12, 1971. Peak Locations Cyclone activity not only heats up in September but the activity in places where you can expect cyclones to spin up increases, as well. In late summer and early fall, theres generally an increased chance that storms will develop in the Caribbean Sea, along the Eastern Atlantic Seaboard, and in the Gulf of Mexico. By November, cold fronts and increasing wind shear- two disrupters to tropical development- penetrate into the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic, and sometimes into the western Caribbean Sea as well, which spells the end of the peak August-October period.
Why September is Atlantic Hurricane Season
Why September is Atlantic Hurricane Season The Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1, but an equally important date to mark on your calendar is September 1- the start of the most active month for hurricane activity. Since official record keeping of hurricanes began in 1950, over 60% of all Atlantic named storms have developed in the months of August or September. What is it about late August and September that produces a flurry of tropical cyclones within the Atlantic Ocean? Generation of Storm Seedlings One of the reasons why cyclone activity climbs is the hyperactive African Easterly Jet (AEJ). The AEJ is an east-to-west oriented wind, much like the jet stream that flows across the US. As you may remember, temperature contrasts drive weather, including the flow of wind. The AEJ flows across Africa into the tropical Atlantic Ocean, thanks to the contrast in temperature between the dry, hot air over the Sahara Desert and the cooler, humid air over the forested areas of central Africa and the Gulf of Guinea. Since the flow near the AEJ goes faster than that further away in the surrounding air, what happens is that eddies begin to develop due to these differences in speed. When this happens, you get whats called a tropical wave- an unstable kink or wave in the main flow pattern that is visible on satellite as clusters of thunderstorms. By providing the initial energy and spin needed for a hurricane to develop, tropical waves act like seedlings of tropical cyclones. The more seedlings the AEJ generates, the more chances there are for tropical cyclone development. Sea Temperatures Still in Summer Mode Of course, having a storm seedling is only half of the recipe. A wave wont automatically grow into a tropical storm or hurricane, unless several of the atmospheres other conditions, including sea surface temperatures (SSTs), are favorable. While temperatures may be cooling off for us land-dwellers as fall begins, SSTs in the tropics are just reaching their peak. Because water has a higher heat capacity than land, it heats more slowly, which means the waters that have spent all summer absorbing the suns warmth are just reaching their maximum warmth at summers end. Sea surface temperatures must be 82 °F or warmer for a tropical cyclone to form and thrive, and in September, temperatures across the tropical Atlantic average 86 °F, nearly 5 degrees warmer than this threshold. Seasonal Peak When you look at hurricane climatology, youll see a sharp increase in the number of named storms forming between late August into September. This increase typically continues until September 10-11, which is thought of as the seasons peak. Peak doesnt necessarily mean multiple storms will form at once or be active across the Atlantic on this particular date, it simply highlights when the bulk of named storms will have occurred by. After this peak date, storm activity typically declines gently, with another five named storms, three hurricanes, and one major hurricane occurring on average by the seasons November 30 end. Most Atlantic Hurricanes at Once Although the word peak doesnt necessarily point to when the greatest number of cyclones will happen at once, there are several occasions when it did. The record for most hurricanes to ever occur at the same time in the Atlantic basin occurred in September 1998, when as many as four hurricanes- Georges, Ivan, Jeanne, and Karl- simultaneously spun across the Atlantic. As for the most tropical cyclones (storms and hurricanes) to ever exist at one time, a maximum of five occurred on September 10-12, 1971. Peak Locations Cyclone activity not only heats up in September but the activity in places where you can expect cyclones to spin up increases, as well. In late summer and early fall, theres generally an increased chance that storms will develop in the Caribbean Sea, along the Eastern Atlantic Seaboard, and in the Gulf of Mexico. By November, cold fronts and increasing wind shear- two disrupters to tropical development- penetrate into the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic, and sometimes into the western Caribbean Sea as well, which spells the end of the peak August-October period.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business extra credit questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Business extra credit questions - Essay Example Therefore, the salesperson at Outdoor Outfitters should have been aware that Neal was 12 years old, and as such could not participate in any formal decision-making. The purchaser of the pair of the ski was negligent. Even after being reminded to practice before purchasing his equipment, he proceeded against the salesperson’s advice. If only had he listened to the advice given to him by the seller’s agent, then he would not have suffered those injuries as a result of the accident. Moreover, if he had practiced before purchasing the pair of ski, then he would not have had the accident to begin with. Every retailer has an obligation to ensure that their consumers are protected. Protection involves giving information relating to a product. Additionally, the seller should ensure that the person to whom the products is being sold is in a position to make wise decisions relating to the use of the product. Therefore, every seller has a duty of care to ensure consumer protection. Though the salesperson informed the 12-year-old that he had to practice first before using the pair of ski, he had a duty of ensuring that Neal did not gain access to the equipment. As such, he could have demanded that the child return with an older person with whom he could engage in a contract. However, he did not do this, and he proceeded to sell the pair of the ski to the minor. In every business transaction, there is always an invitation to trade. This involves the seller inviting the potential buyers to come to the table so as to negotiate the sale of a particular instrument. However, this does not entail that the potential buyer has an obligation to purchase the item in question. The buyer usually has two options in this scenario; either, to accept the offer or reject it. In signing a contract, both parties involved should be in their right state of mind. This involves ensuring that the parties meet the age
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Bottled Water challenge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Bottled Water challenge - Essay Example Compared to the traditional tap water, the cost of bottled water has remained relatively high and this has affected its acceptance in different parts of the society. The high cost of bottled water has been significantly felt by members of the low social class in the society whose income cannot enable them to use this category of water. Producers of bottled water have been accused of being at the forefront of environmental pollution and the entire supply chain of this commodity has been involved. First, bottled waters are packed in plastic bottles that are produced from polyethylene terephthalate polymer (Yaqub, Hamid, Haseeb, Akhtar & Akram, 2014). This toxic chemical is derived from the end phase of petroleum refining and has massive implications to the environment. In order to sustain the demand for bottled water, the plastic packaging bottles must be produced in enough quantities. This involves the involvement of big petrochemical companies such as ExxonMobil and BP whose activities have affected the environment is significant ways (Huerta-Saenz, Irigoyen, Benavides & Mendoza, 2012). Apart from the raw materials, the process of producing the bottles also require large amount of energy according to reports from the pacific institute. To package over 31 billion litres of bottled water demanded in the United States per year, a total of 17 million barrels of oil will be used and this will increase the level of greenhouse gas emission to the atmosphere. As compared to tap water that is transported through pipes sank underground, the transportation of bottled water require heavy vehicles, container ships and trucks. These not only consume significant volume of oil but also release gallons of exhaust gases into the atmosphere. Bottled water that is transported to other continents therefore affects the aquatic ecosystem and leads to an increase in marine deaths due to increase in pollution. Plastic bottles are non-biodegradable and thus affect the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
How to analyze an ad Essay Example for Free
How to analyze an ad Essay Analysis of how a particular advertisement attempts to appeal to consumers By giving form to audience motives and desires, advertisers have the best chance of arresting attention and affecting communication. This is an analysis of the lift advertisement for Maxwell House Coffee created by the design agency Ogilvy Beijing of China. When the doors opened, sleepy people in an office building were shocked awake, providing a tongue-in-cheek metaphor for the effects of drinking a cup of Maxwell House Coffee. The marketplace has grown increasingly congested in a frenzied competition for the consumer’s attention. Within this context advertisers believe that in order to get consumers to buy their product ads need to have two orders of content: an appeal to deep seated emotions and information on the product. A sales pitch is used to attract attention and effectively convey the virtues of the product on offer. Elements of good layout are necessary to control the message. Emotional appeals seem to fall into several distinguishable categories. Every ad uses a variation of these appeals: the need for sex, affiliation, guidance, prominence, attention, autonomy, or the need to nurture, aggress, achieve, dominate, escape, or to feel safe. This ad totally circumvents all conscious reaction when the lift doors open to reveal a gaping hole. The illogical link between a gaping hole in the floor and a cup of Maxwell House Coffee is embedded in the metaphor: a better way to wake up. The link is forged pre-logically in the mind of the person who steps into that lift. Ones primal instinct is to protect oneself from falling. This is so deep-seated and spontaneous that the advertiser leaves no other option for the onlooker. This ad relies on aesthetic sensation for its appeal which, needless to say, has been executed with perfection. Nothing in this layout could be added or left out. Apart from the initial â€Å"shock†the onlooker has to admire the optical illusion and the cleverness of its presentation. The impact of this ad on all of one’s senses is undeniably large. Other appeals that are present in a lesser and overlapping degree are a need to nurture; a need for guidance; a need to escape; a need to feel safe; and a need for curiosity. Stylistic features are not appeals in themselves but influence the way the basic appeal is presented. This ad could be classified as avant garde. This ad is innovative, experimental and unconventional. The most striking element of the ad is the floor graphic which instantaneously grabs ones attention and penetrates the mind so profoundly, you’ll never forget the experience. The viewing angle on this ad relies on the premise that people instinctively look down when entering a lift, not only to look where they are stepping, but to avoid eye-contact with strangers. When they do look up, they look straight into the solution: a cup of steaming hot Maxwell House Coffee to â€Å"wake up†. Targeted customers: sleepy office workers. All the elements of the ad come together in a single appeal: drink Maxwell House Coffee to wake up. The vast majority of ads employ a common set of textual features: headlines, body copy, and slogans. Copywriting has a function: to sell the product. This ad epitomizes the words â€Å"art in pursuit of a business goal†. The floor graphics replace the need for a headline. The body is presented in a most refreshing way (no pun intended) and consists only of two words embedded in the steam to further engage ones imagination of the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Body copy follows a picture and caption style. The traditional need for a slogan is sufficed by the placement of the logo of the product on the coffee cup. The elements of the layout of this ad totally control the way the message is received. The message is delivered in a uniquely creative and totally unexpected way. There is no competitive â€Å"noise†as the presence of the ad takes up the whole space within the lift. All layout elements have been used to maximum effect: attention, balance, proportion, movement, unity, clarity, simplicity and emphasis. Balance is achieved by proper weight distribution. In this ad the weight is on the floor. One’s knowledge of the effects of gravity plays a subconscious role. The tonal quality of the floor graphic and its fear inspiring content visually pulls one â€Å"to the centre of the earth and back again†. The poster is optically centered so the reader cannot miss the â€Å"sales pitch†and the artistic composition is nothing short of excellent – the floor graphics, the bare lift, the metallic surface of the lift walls and the design and placement of the single poster. In a highly original way forceful emotions are brought forth in an experience of uncontrollable surprise. The presentation of the information in the poster is reserved, dignified, formal, clean, uncluttered. One’s emotions guide the consumer through the ad, from beginning to the end. Directional impetus favors the elements to be stressed. The onlooker has nowhere to go. The recipient is taken â€Å"inside†the advertisement. Inside the lift, there is nothing to compete with it. The layout is unified by the confines of the lift, the muted colors of the walls, and the complementary colors in the poster. The inside of the lift determines the parameters of the ad space. This is a classic use of â€Å"white space†where the advertiser cleverly employs the barest necessities in such a profound way that this ad and the product it offers become unforgettable. The two important elements of shock (floor graphic) and solution (poster) are uniquely and very cleverly tied together. The message is clear and simple. Wake up with Maxwell House Coffee. Emphasis is achieved through the dominant element, the floor graphic which contrast sharply in size, placement and most of all its the impact to that of the poster which is strategically placed in the optical centre of the lift wall, directly opposite the doors (shock versus solution). Perfect. Does this ad effectively appeal to its target market? Yes, profoundly. And here is why: The chief element of this ad is the clever use of graphics to depict a gaping hole in floor of the lift. The product information is minimal as it needs no elaboration. The logo and a cup of coffee are all that is required. The rest is dependent upon the recipient’s own experience and feelings towards the product. The target market is well defined. The communication between the producer and the consumer is crystal clear and totally unambiguous: This product is experienced to be genuinely gratifying to the prospective consumer and a even non-coffee drinker will enjoy the emotional â€Å"ride†offered by the advertiser. Here both ends of the communication channel have been abundantly rewarded. The ad is clever, innovative, refreshing and directed at one appeal: drink Maxwell House Coffee. This won an international award for â€Å"Best use of Ambient Media: Large Scale†in 2008.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Comparison of an Industry :: essays research papers
With the Internet fast becoming the platform of the day for conducting commercial activities and business transactions, it is important for companies to take advantage of information communication technologies, electronic commerce, mobile computing, and software agents. Internet technologies bring about opportunities for automating customer transactions, internal business processes, as well as business collaborations with associate companies or alliance members for both B2C and B2B e-commerce activities. Electronic commerce, simply put, is the exchange of money for goods and services via electronic means. In other words, electronic commerce is when a consumer purchases something off of the Internet. Electronic commerce is often referred to as e-commerce, or e-business which is a subset of e-commerce. E-business can be anything from purchasing a toaster from a department store online to checking your bank statement online. All are examples of the many aspects of e-business. In today's business world, e-business activities of various types contribute significantly to the efficiency of business processes, and to the recognition of products and services. The Internet plays a very important role in this process, as it offers numerous possibilities for communication with customers and performance of business activities. No wonder it has become a tool used daily by suppliers of products and services, as well as their users. For example a growing number of companies in the travel industry make use of the Internet platform as virtual shops for marketing and selling travel products and services. Web travel sales has almost doubled annually for the past three years. In 2003, Internet online sales reached 10% of the total bookings and business transactions of the travel industry, including the airlines, hotels, and car rental companies. The followings are indications of the current trends, activities and features: 1. Many hotels have set up their own Web sites to market and sell their hotel rooms (e.g. Holiday Inn, Sheraton Hotels, and the Marriott chain). Most sites allow visitors to check rates and availability, make reservations, and receive a confirmation number within a minute or so of the reservation request. 2. Airlines are selling tickets via their Internet portal at reduced prices. 3. Car rental companies do not hesitate in putting up Web sites to handle reservations (e.g. Hertz, Avis). 4. Travel companies compete with one another and various Internet travel portals by offering their own Internet e-shops that market their travel packages as well as provide reservation services for airfares, lodgings, and various travel products.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Prevalence of Teenage Suicides Nowadays
During the teen years, adolescents go through many different changes. These changes cause many teens to feel as though they are the only ones that have these feelings and that no one can help them. The teen that develops these types of mentality generally has little help from friends and family to overcome the feelings that could possibly lead to suicide. Suicide is when someone tries to kill himself or herself. Teen suicide is based on the same idea, but it is for people that are teenagers. About 5,000 teenagers kill themselves every year. That makes teen suicide the third leading cause of death for teenagers next to accidents and crime. The thought of killing oneself as a solution for problems at school is common for grade school and college kids. On the grade school side, 9% think of suicide, 2% seriously consider suicide, and 1-% attempts it. On the college side, the numbers multiply by five times. A whopping 43% think about it, 15% seriously consider it, and 5% attempt it (1). The actual number of suicides is higher than the estimated one because they are not classified as suicides. They are classified as accidents or victims of crime. A car that crashed into a tree could be called an accident, but if the car was working perfectly and the driver was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol it would be called a suicide. Young males are five times more likely to commit suicide than young females. Females are more unsuccessful when committing suicide because they are more apt to ingest drugs or cut their wrists. Doctors still have time to save them. On the other hand, boys more commonly hang themselves or jump off tall buildings. The use of firearms in teen suicides is about the same for both sexes. By the time that doctors get to them, they're dead. It has been found that there are more white teenagers than black teenagers who kill themselves; and that teenagers in the western area of the United States are more likely to be suicidal because more people own firearms in the West (2). Teens are in a transitional period between childhood and adulthood, and this can lead to confusion and anxiety at times. Teens with an adequate support network of friends, family, religious affiliation, peer groups, or extracurricular activities may have an outlet to deal with their everyday frustrations. Teens without an adequate support network, however, may feel disconnected and isolated from their family and peer group. It's these teens who are at increased risk for suicide if they are unable to deal with their problems. Sheslow further emphasizes the importance of a support network for teens who have suffered physical or sexual abuse and those who have very poor relationships with their parents. Doctors at the American Psychiatric Association (APA) say that teens considering suicide often face problems that are out of their control -divorce, alcoholism of a family member, or exposure to domestic violence, for example. A family history of depression or suicide is another significant risk factor. Since depressive illnesses may have a genetic component, some teens may be predisposed to suffer major depression. Feelings of helplessness and worthlessness may accompany the depression. Feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness are major risk factors for suicide. A teen, for example, who experiences repeated failures at school, who is overwhelmed by violence at home, who is isolated from peers, or who faces the social stigma of homosexuality alone is likely to experience such feelings. â€Å"If he sees himself as inadequate and worthless and he believes the future is unchangeable, these are clear warning signs of possible trouble,†says Dr. Sheslow (3). Sometimes teens will attempt to numb the pain of those feelings with alcohol or drugs. Substance abuse is a major risk factor for suicide, says the APA, along with the expression of violent feelings (4). There are about five signs for suicide. The first one is depression. They may be depressed about getting an â€Å"F†on their math test or have had a death in the family. The second sign is talking about suicide. They may say things like â€Å"I'm want to kill myself,†or â€Å"You won't have to worry about me much longer.†The third sign is giving some of their most prized possessions away or writing out their will. Some people give away their favorite clothes, stereo systems, or even their cars. The fourth sign is that they start taking extremely dangerous risks. They may go rowing without a life preserver, try to fix electrical appliances by themselves, stop wearing their seat belt, and go driving while they are drunk. The fifth sign for suicide is being unexplainable cheerful or happy. By this time they probably have made up their minds about suicide (5). Anyone can be a victim of teen suicide. It could be the all-star of the football team, the girl who has the cutest guy in school, or the hyper-accelerated really smart kid down the street. Everyone has stress and everyone has to deal with it, but not everyone deals with stress the same way. For example one-person may play a sport to release and relieve their tensions, but another may start being depressed and being self-destructive. As you may see there are many different things involved when talking to teens about suicide. Some of these things involved need to be looked are items such as social stature of the adolescent, if there is apparent substance abuse, and how the child is performing in school. If an adolescent ever contemplates suicide the parent or guardian should immediately seek help. Contrary to popular belief, people who talk about suicide are likely to follow through. Pay attention to phrases such as, â€Å"It's no use, I'd be better off dead.†Also be suspicious if a child who has been very depressed suddenly becomes cheerful or hopeful. This intense mood swing may indicate that he believes suicide will be a solution to all his problems.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Computers and Sociology
In Liberal Arts Computers and Sociology Sociologists study societies and social behavioral patterns through an analysis of social, political, religious and economic groups. Sociologist study society combining both theoretical and practical methods. com/sociology-exam-3-chapters-6-8/">Sociology Is based around four major components: social, cultural, physical, and demographic. How Individuals form social groups and the means of how they develop Is an Intricate determinant for a sociologist's conclusions. Sociologists specialize in various areas including family dynamics, race and ethnicity, war and revolution, gender roles, socioeconomics and much more.Sociologists are geared to be curious and observant. Always concerned with observing, analyzing, defining, testing, and explaining human behavior. There is no area of modern life where a sociological perspective is of no value. From marketing to business to criminology to medlclne to government, the research provided by sociologist impr oves sales, increases production, shape social policies, resolve socials injustice and promotes political platforms. Statistics and computers are a key component to the work of a sociologist.Strong analytical skills, data gathering, survey methods and computer techniques are the foundation of ociology. In todays age of computer expansion Is neither person nor thing left unaffected by computers. Computers are using in almost every field of work and aspect of life. Since the 1980's after computers were mainly using for warfare assistance, computers are used on a daily basis. Whether it is at home, school, or the workplace computers and the technology, which it brought about, is commonly used all over the world.The affect computers have had on society has been immeasurable, with many advantages and few disadvantages. In the past the only way for long distance communication was through he letter system. Now we still use the letter system but the speed of the Internet Is nowhere near rea sonable comparison. Like society, communication has been much more efficient and resourceful. Information gathering is now a simple task. Whereas before a person would have to do strenuous searching through books and archives, now information about basically anything can be found at the click of a button.Business has also profited greatly by the innovation of computers. The technical efficiency of computers has structured a new business market that has benefited corporate leaders all the way down to consumers. The standard education and the standard of living have increased. Task such as shopping, booking tickets for shows or airlines, checking bank accounts, etc can all done online. Life is now structured around convince. Criminal records now are also found online, no information is left unavailable. Nowadays basic requirements for most Jobs are knowledge of computers and how use various types of software.Computers are apart of everyone's lives whether they desire It or not. Societ y Is made to De Torever evolving ana people, Duslness, polltlcs, even rellglon nave ana will ontinue to adapt to this convenient and efficient lifestyle. Computers and technology has become an indispensable part of our lives. The need for constant communication and information is evident. Technology comes in an abundant amount of forms from the desktop, laptop, tablet, smart phone and so much more. Society has made every person and thing is made accessible.This massive technological boom is affecting every culture. It is drastically changing the ways in which people live their lives. People are easily connected by state-to-state country-to-country and so on. Ideas and information are spread faster and further han ever before. In the end the advancements in communication technology has ultimately brought cultures closer all over the world. For many people in the workforce computers have had an overwhelming effect because of the drastic changes brought upon them; including changes to their work routine and structure.Employees today are in the middle of an information revolution. There is a complete change in the way work is done. Meaning past required skills are archaic and new evolved technological skills are required. For many these changes must bring about fear and resistance. The effect of the Internet on work has also had a great influence on society. Starling weighed in on the issues stating that, â€Å"They generally point to a redistribution of work (and the money that comes with it) out of established centers, such as Western cities, and into more remote areas.Teleworkers can operate in deep countryside, beyond the range of commuters. International data centers can be placed in any country with a passable education system. The ‘net' effect is probably a good one, redistributing wealth out of concentrated hotspots in cities of the west and into the world at large. (Starling) Starlings view is one that is very positive on the vast effects of comput ers and the world of globalization pushing marketing through ‘cyberspace' as a tool for creating world market opportunities in poorer countries.Gabey coincides with his idea of the boom of â€Å"e-commerce†and its worldwide popularity, â€Å"At the time of writing, every four seconds a further eleven organizations establish an Internet presence thereby linking the to the world's most successful, broadly spread communications network – the World Wide Web. BY 2023, worldwide more than 4 billion people will be surfing he Web, from ‘Teeny Techies' (aged 6-16) to ‘Silver Surfers' (aged 50+). (Gabey) Through the benefits of computers and bountiful there are still some negative side effects on society.Society is no longer interested in a common well-being but more of their lives and own problems. The ways of togetherness and the spirit of working together with one another are no longer visible. The ways in which our youth are growing up has drastically cha nged. No longer do kids spend their free time playing with one another or reading books or talking to their family members. The focus is on a screen or idealizing some new gadget. Face-to-face interactions between people have been considerably reduced. The importance of spreading cultural values has been reduced.Computers have drastically affected society to the point that the entire structure of society and some cultures have changed. Starling states that, â€Å"We access the Internet as individuals, rarely groups. We work alone and entertain ourselves alone. We write emails and talk less on the telephone – a different social interaction favoring different skills. The Internet is changing us as individuals, not Just soclety. †(Starllng) We have adapted and altered aspects of our language to accommodate new age erminology with a new vocabulary.Words like boot up, online, upload, download, ‘cloud, email, and various acronyms, such as MAC, PC, www, . com, @, etc. have worked its way into our language. Society has even created new etiquette in communication. Whether for the better or worse computers have had an influential effect on the main sociological institutions of education, economy, and family life. The effects of computer and the technology it had brought fourth are not going to be here for long. That is because the world is forever evolving and adapting and soon society will acclimatize to newer innovations.We cannot predict progress or what will be of our society and culture in the future but we must accept that, good or bad, because the world hold a million and one new possibilities.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Finding, Founding, and Funding
Finding, Founding, and Funding Finding, Founding, and Funding Finding, Founding, and Funding By Mark Nichol Find, found, and fund could conceivably be related on the basis of the notion of obtaining something, but the words (except in the case of the link between find and one of three broad senses of found) stem from independent sources. This post defines these words and others derived from them. Find, in the sense of discovery, is from the Old English verb findan, meaning â€Å"come upon,†â€Å"discover,†or â€Å"obtain.†The past tense is found, but the homograph found, from the Latin verb fundere, meaning â€Å"cast,†â€Å"melt,†or â€Å"pour out,†is unrelated, as is founder (â€Å"collapse,†â€Å"disable,†â€Å"fail,†or â€Å"sink†), stemming ultimately from fundus, a Latin noun meaning â€Å"bottom,†by way of the verb form fundare. A find is something discovered or located, including a person, place, or thing with exceptional qualities. Someone who finds is a finder, as in the phrase â€Å"finder’s fee,†which describes a commission received for helping someone identify a financial opportunity. A finder is also an auxiliary telescope, and a viewfinder is a device on a camera that aids the user in focusing on the photographic subject. A finding is the result of an examination or investigation, while found serves as an adjective as well as a verb, as in the phrase â€Å"found object.†From the past tense of found, foundling describes an abandoned infant who is discovered, and something newfound has just recently been located or discovered. As mentioned, found in the sense of â€Å"establish†has a distinct etymology, as do its kin: founder (â€Å"one who establishes†); founding (a verb and adjective referring to establishment, as in the phrase â€Å"Founding Fathers†to refer to the men instrumental in establishing the United States); and foundation, which pertains to establishment, to an organization that supports an endeavor, to the substructure of a building, or to a cosmetic base or a supporting undergarment. Foundational and foundationally are the adjectival and adverbial forms. Something that is well founded exists with literal or figurative support, such as an organization or a theory, respectively. Something unfounded, by contrast, has no basis of support, as in the case of a rumor; foundationless is also employed for this sense. (These terms apply only to the figurative sense, however.) Fundus, mentioned above as the forebear of founder, is also the basis of fundament, meaning â€Å"base,†and its adjectival form, fundamental. That word is also a noun pertaining to basic principles, thus the use of fundamentalist and fundamentalism to refer to Christians who interpret the Bible literally. Profound, meanwhile, retains only the figurative sense of its ancestor, profundus, and means â€Å"intellectually deep,†and fundus was borrowed directly into English in the anatomical sense of the part of a hollow organ opposite its opening, such as the back of the eye. From fundus we also derive fund, meaning â€Å"capital†or â€Å"stock†in the sense of a financial base (as a verb, it means â€Å"supply with money†); funds and funding refer to money, the former in a basic sense and the latter in the sense of providing funds. Someone who funds is a funder, the withdrawal of funds is defunding, and the return of funds is a refund, while replenishment of funds is re-funding; something without financial support is unfunded. A fund-raiser (the word is sometimes styled fundraiser), meanwhile, refers to an event intended to raise money from admission fees and donations, and crowdfunding (also called microfunding) is a funding strategy involving encouraging widespread but modest financial support for a project from the general public rather than focusing on a small number of large-scale investors. The verb found in the sense of â€Å"cast metal†and the noun form founder are rare, but foundry, referring to the art of casting metal or to a location where the art occurs, is somewhat more familiar. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the FutureTime Words: Era, Epoch, and EonWhat Is a Doctor?
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
USS South Dakota (BB-57) in World War II
USS South Dakota (BB-57) in World War II In 1936, as the design of the North Carolina-class moved towards finalization, the US Navys General Board met to discuss the two battleships that were to be funded in Fiscal Year 1938. Though the group favored construction of two addition North Carolinas, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral William H. Standley insisted on a new design. As a result, construction of these vessels was pushed to FY1939 as naval architects commenced work in March 1937. While the first two ships were formally ordered on April 4, 1938, an additional pair of vessels was added two months later under the Deficiency Authorization which passed due to increasing international tensions. Though the escalator clause of the Second London Naval Treaty had been invoked allowing the new design to mount 16 guns, Congress specified that the vessels stay within the 35,000-ton limit set by the earlier Washington Naval Treaty. In conceiving the new South Dakota-class, naval architects developed a wide variety of designs for consideration. A key challenge proved to be finding ways to improve upon the North Carolina-class but remain within the tonnage limit. The result was the design of a shorter, by approximately 50 feet, battleship that employed an inclined armor system. This allowed for better underwater protection than its predecessors. As fleet commanders desired vessels capable of 27 knots, designers worked to find a way to accomplish this despite the shorter hull length. This was found through the creative arrangement of machinery, boilers, and turbines. For armament, the South Dakotas mirrored the North Carolinas in mounting nine Mark 6 16 guns in three triple turrets with a secondary battery of twenty dual-purpose 5 guns. These weapons were supplemented by an extensive and constantly evolving array of anti-aircraft guns. Assigned to New York Shipbuilding in Camden, NJ, USS South Dakota (BB-57) was laid down on July 5, 1939. The lead ships design varied slightly from the rest of the class as it was intended to fulfill the role of a fleet flagship. This saw an extra deck added to the conning tower to provide additional command space. To accommodate this, two of the ships twin 5 gun mounts were removed. Work on the battleship continued and it slid down the ways on June 7, 1941, with Vera Bushfield, wife of South Dakota Governor Harlan Bushfield serving as sponsor. As construction moved toward completion, the US entered World War II following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Commissioned on March 20, 1942, South Dakota entered service with Captain Thomas L. Gatch in command. To the Pacific Conducting shakedown operations in June and July, South Dakota received orders to sail for Tonga. Passing through the Panama Canal, the battleship arrived on September 4. Two days later, it struck coral in the Lahai Passage causing damage to the hull. Steaming north to Pearl Harbor, South Dakota underwent the necessary repairs. Sailing in October, the battleship joined Task Force 16 which included the carrier USS Enterprise (CV-6). Rendezvousing with USS Hornet (CV-8) and Task Force 17, this combined force, led by Rear Admiral Thomas Kinkaid, engaged the Japanese at the Battle of Santa Cruz on October 25-27. Attacked by enemy aircraft, the battleship screened the carriers and sustained a bomb hit on one of its forward turrets. Returning to Noumà ©a after the battle, South Dakota collided with the destroyer USS Mahan while attempting to avoid a submarine contact. Reaching port, it received repairs for the damage caused in the fighting and from the coll ision. Sortieing with TF16 on November 11, South Dakota detached two days later and joined USS Washington (BB-56) and four destroyers. This force, led by Rear Admiral Willis A. Lee, was ordered north on November 14 after American forces suffered heavy losses in the opening phases of the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal. Engaging Japanese forces that night, Washington and South Dakota sank the Japanese battleship Kirishima. In the course of the battle, South Dakota suffered a brief power outage and sustained forty-two hits from enemy guns. Withdrawing to Noumà ©a, the battleship made temporary repairs before departing for New York to receive an overhaul. As the US Navy wished to limit the operational information provided to the public, many of South Dakotas early actions were reported as those of Battleship X. Europe Arriving at New York on December 18, South Dakota entered the yard for approximately two months of work and repairs. Rejoining active operations in February, it sailed in the North Atlantic in consort with USS Ranger (CV-4) until mid-April. The following month, South Dakota joined Royal Navy forces at Scapa Flow where it served in a task force under Rear Admiral Olaf M. Hustvedt. Sailing in conjunction with its sister, USS Alabama (BB-60), it acted as a deterrent against raids by the German battleship Tirpitz. In August, both battleships received orders to transfer to the Pacific. Touching at Norfolk, South Dakota reached Efate on September 14. Two months later, it sailed with the carriers of Task Group 50.1 to provide cover and support for the landings on Tarawa and Makin.   Island Hopping On December 8, South Dakota, in company with four other battleships, bombarded Nauru before returning to Efate to replenish. The following month, it sailed to support the invasion of Kwajalein. After striking targets ashore, South Dakota withdrew to provide cover for the carriers. It remained with Rear Admiral Marc Mitschers carriers as they mounted a devastating raid against Truk on February 17-18. The following weeks, saw South Dakota continue to screen the carriers as they attacked the Marianas, Palau, Yap, Woleai, and Ulithi. Briefly pausing at Majuro in early April, this force returned to sea to assist Allied landings in New Guinea before mounting additional raids against Truk. After spending much of May at Majuro engaged in repairs and upkeep, South Dakota steamed north in June to support the invasion of Saipan and Tinian.  On June 13, South Dakota shelled the two islands and two days later aided in defeating a Japanese air attack. Steaming with the carriers on June 19, the battleship took part in the Battle of the Philippine Sea. Though a resounding victory for the Allies, South Dakota sustained bomb hit that killed 24 and wounded 27. In the wake of this, the battleship received orders to make for Puget Sound Navy Yard for repairs and an overhaul. This work occurred between July 10 and August 26. Rejoining the Fast Carrier Task Force, South Dakota screened attacks on Okinawa an Formosa that October. Later in the month, it provided cover as the carriers moved to aid General Douglas MacArthurs landings on Leyte in the Philippines. In this role, it participated in the Battle of Leyte Gulf and served in Task Force 34 which was detached at one point to aid American forces off Samar. Between Leyte Gulf and February 1945, South Dakota sailed with the carriers as they covered the landings on Mindoro and launched raids against Formosa, Luzon, French Indochina, Hong Kong, Hainan, and Okinawa. Moving north, the carriers attacked Tokyo on February 17 before shifting to assist the invasion of Iwo Jima two days later. After additional raids against Japan, South Dakota arrived off Okinawa where it supported the Allied landings on April 1. Providing naval gunfire support for troops ashore, the battleship suffered an accident on May 6 when a tank of powder for the 16 guns exploded. The incident killed 11 and injured 24. Withdrawn to Guam and then Leyte, the battleship spent much of May and June away from the front. Final Actions Sailing on July 1, South Dakota covered American carriers as they struck Tokyo ten days later. On July 14, it took part in the bombardment of the Kamaishi Steel Works which marked the first attack by surface ships on the Japanese mainland. South Dakota remained off Japan for the remainder of the month and into August alternately protecting the carriers and conducting bombardment missions. It was in Japanese waters when hostilities ceased on August 15. Proceeding to Sagami Wan on August 27, it entered Tokyo Bay two days later. After being present for the formal Japanese surrender aboard USS Missouri (BB-63) on September 2, South Dakota departed for the West Coast on the 20th.  Arriving at San Francisco, South Dakota moved down the coast to San Pedro before receiving orders to steam to Philadelphia on January 3, 1946. Reaching that port, it underwent an overhaul before being shifted to the Atlantic Reserve Fleet that June. On January 31, 1947, South Dakota was formally decommissioned. It remained in reserve until June 1, 1962, when it was removed from the Naval Vessel Registry prior to being sold for scrap that October. For its service in World War II, South Dakota earned thirteen battle stars.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Exhibition Paper; Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Exhibition Paper; - Essay Example The most renowned statues from the era include the Donatello and Nanni sculptures (Burgio, Clark, & Hark, 2010). Both masterpieces are held at the Museo dell’Opera de Muomo exhibition. The study seeks to implement the visual description of the sculptures as seen in the exhibition with a contextual inclusion of sculptural production in the Florentine Age of the 15th century. The renowned sculpture of Donatello remains an uncontested artifact of the period because of its unique inclusion of proportion in a rather hard to shape material. The 1418 sculpture depicts a biblical version of the events surrounding Isaac’s sacrifice. The sculptor engaged in the use of marble, and it is apparent that his knowledge in the field compelled his conclusion that he would deliver an exemplary artwork in the end. Arguably, the sculptor developed a theological concept prior to the beginning of the work; hence, the evidence shown in the sculptures facial expressions depicts the application of â€Å"scientific naturalism†(Long, 2013). The prevailing evidence from the visual surveillance inclines knowledge to a contemporary viewer that the use of grey almost brown colors emerges from the philosophical freedom held by the sculptor during the Florentine culture. While at the exhibition, a viewer could define the emotional expressions shown in the sculpture of Donatello on Isaac’s sacrifice. Such credentials declare the fury that Abraham felt once ordered by God to honor him through sacrificing his only child. In the contemporary culture, a viewer would agree with the sculptor’s perspective in developing the 191-centimeters’ tall sculpture. The taller figure of the sculpture seems to dominate the smaller one who is in a kneeling position (Burgio, Clark, & Hark, 2010). The rust-brown sculpture depicts a Biblical expression that the sacrifice was to accord God’s will as the taller figure looks upwards while holding a knife on the smaller
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