Special Interest Topic Automated Essay Scoring Systems Myford And Cline
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Government Failure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Government Failure - Essay Example Endogenous preferences refer to preferences that are dependent on other factors that actually influence preference. For instance, demand for the latest mobile phones is driven by technological advancements. In this case, technological advancement highly influences demand for latest phones. The fact that circumstances can change preferences justifies public policy. Unaccepted preferences, on the other hand, are those whose impact on other preferences is negative. Education preference, for example, varies across individuals. However, through public policy, unacceptable preferences are regulated on social interest grounds. Utilitarian social welfare function – Preferences and the resultant consequences are evaluated for each and every individual and then summed up. Individual utilities for a given good are aggregated, and therefore, every utility of an individual prior to the good is incorporated. Individual ranking in the market or society is not taken into account. A public policy that results from this choice is likely to depict aspects of loopholes in the observance of individual rights. Minimum allocation choice is not guaranteed. Rawlsian social welfare function – This function is characterized by social equality. This is achieved through presenting maximum benefit to the disadvantaged in the society. Decisions on social institutions depend on people’s individual endowments in society. Where social institutions system is to be established without prior knowledge the endowments, the resultant social welfare function aims at uplifting and benefiting the least advantaged in the society. Public policy under this choice is basically equality-tailored, although wealth creation incentives are likely to be reduced in that process.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Review of relevant literature Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Review of relevant literature - Research Paper Example E-wastes have serious health and environmental implications that emanate from the different components contained. They contain lead particles that are toxic and can affect the nervous systems of humans when consumed. Possible means of consumption include through deposits in drinking water. Mercury can cause dysfunction of the genitourinary system of the body. Cadmium is one of the components of e-wastes that have toxic elements that affect the kidney. They are possible escalators of kidney failures. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, a component that is in e-wastes is equally dangerous. These hydrocarbons have causal effects on skins as diseases and deep irritation. Water pollution is a serious environmental effect of e-wastes. Contamination of soils and subsequent degradation of soil productivity is a notable effect of e-wastes that are not properly disposed. The ever-increasing cases of disorders, caused by contamination from the components of e-wastes, calls for interventions a nd remedial strategies. A study on the effects of e-wastes, therefore, would contribute to the knowledge on the impacts of e-wastes on human health and the environment. This provides justification of the study because of its contribution to the knowledge aimed at sensitization of the public on the environmental and health effects of e-wastes. ... Although developed countries find the process of e-waste recycling by use of modern and proper technologies to be efficient, they do not have viable systems set in place to manage the high amount of waste produced. Improper e-waste disposal by developed countries is among the major environmental threats to developing countries since developed countries tend to dispose their excess e-waste in developing countries. Because of the lack of or improper mechanisms by developing countries to address the challenge of hazardous e-waste disposed on their lands, it is essential to educate the average person on ways of managing e-waste. It is noteworthy that the average persons, who constitute a high proportion of the population of developing countries, are prone to the effects of e-waste. This prompts the research on the various ways that the average person can use in the management of e-waste. Kumar proposes the use of formal recyclers as the major players in the waste recycling sector (893). The average person should use methods that are hygienic and inexpensive in the management of e-wastes. This research, therefore, offers an insight into some of the best methods that are applicable by the average person in managing e-wastes. Advancement in technology, according to Kalana, is among the escalators of increased amount of e-wastes in the environment (132). The study by Kalana identifies diverse methods that households can apply in the management of e-waste that continue to pose a great threat to them because of the increase in technological innovations. The study area, Shah Alam, Selangor, consists of middle-income earners and, therefore has a high number of the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Platinum Resistance Thermometer
Platinum Resistance Thermometer Platinum Resistance Thermometer How it works: The simplest resistance thermometer configuration uses two wires. It is only used when high accuracy is not required as the resistance of the connecting wires is always included with that of the sensor leading to errors in the signal. Using this configuration you will be able to use 100 meters of cable. This applies equally to balanced bridge and fixed bridge system. Temperature range: Operating Range -200  °C to 1200  °C Advantage: It has a wide range and is very accurate. It is best for small steady temperatures. Disadvantages: Unsuitable for rapidly changing temperature. Slow to respond. Optical Pyrometer How it works: A pyrometer has an optical system and detector. The optical system focuses thermal radiation onto the detector. The output signal of the detector (Temperature T) is related to the thermal radiation or irradiance of the target object through the Stefan-Boltzmann law, the constant of proportionality, called the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and the emissivity of the object. This output is used to infer the objects temperature. Thus, there is no need for direct contact between the pyrometer and the object, as there is with thermocouple and Resistance temperature detector (RTDs). Uses: The optical pyrometer is widely employed for accurate measurement of the temperature of furnaces, molten metals and other heated materials. It is primarily used in the range of 1000 to 50008F. Most optical pyrometers are manually operated and thereby are somewhat limited in their application. Pyrometers are suited especially to the measurement of moving objects or any surfaces that cannot be reached or cannot be touched. Temperature range: Optical Pyrometers with a range of 700C 1250C have an accuracy better than  ± 58C while those having a range of 1100 -1900 have an accuracy better than  ±108C. Temperature ranges can be measured between approximately 1,300 to 5,800oF (700 to 3,200oC), and with appropriate filters, the disappearing-filament pyrometer temperature ranges can be ex-tended to approximately 18,000oF (10,000oC). Advantages: Measures high temperatures. Thermocouple How it works: It consists of two dissimilar metals, joined together at one end, which produce a small unique voltage at a given temperature. This voltage is measured and interpreted by a thermocouple thermometer. Uses: A thermocouple is a sensor for measuring temperature. However, thermocouples have a wide temperature range (-200 to 2000  °C) and are often needed simply because alternative devices do not operate at the desired temperature. In addition, they are relatively low-cost and versatile. Temperature range: Operating Range -200  °C to 2000  °C Advantages: Wide range, robust and compact and good for rapidly changing temperatures. Disadvantage: For good quality a milli voltmeter is needed. When to use RTDs or thermocouples The two most common ways of measuring industrial temperatures are with resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and thermocouples. But when should control engineers use a Thermocouple and when should they use an RTD? The answer is usually determined by four factors: Factors: Temperature, time, size, and overall accuracy requirements. If process temperatures fall from -328 to 932 °F (-200 to 500 °C), then an industrial RTD is the preferred option. Thermocouples have a range of -180  °C to 1300  °C (-300 to 2300  °F) so for extremely high temperatures they are the only contact temperature measurement choice. If the process requires a very fast response to temperature changes-fractions of a second as opposed to seconds (i.e. 2.5 to 10 s)-then a thermocouple is the best choice. Keep in mind that time response is measured by immersing the sensor in water moving at 1 m/s (3 ft/s) with a 63.2% step change. A standard RTD sheath is 3.175 to 6.35mm (0.125 to 0.25 in.) in diameter, while sheath diameters for thermocouples can be less than 1.6mm (0.062 in.). If the process only requires a tolerance of 2  °C or greater, then a thermocouple is appropriate. If the process needs less than 2  °C tolerance, then an RTD is sometimes the only choice. Keep in mind, unlike RTDs that can maintain stability for many years, thermocouples can drift within the first few hours of use.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay on the Test of Faith in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown
Young Goodman Brown:Â A Test of Faith The story Young Goodman Brown is about a man and his faith in himself, his wife, and the community they reside in. Goodman Brown must venture on a journey into the local forest, refuse the temptations of the devil, and return to the village before sunrise. The time era is approximately a generation after the time of the witch trials. Goodman Brown's struggle between good and evil is a struggle he does not think he can face. He reiterates his false confidence to himself repeatedly. Goodman knows what he must do but dreads the deed. Upon entering the forest he is suspicious of every rock and tree, thinking something evil will jump out at him. When he finally does meet someone on the trail, who appears to be of evil origin, he feels confident that he can refuse any temptations. This evil person makes several advances and Goodman refuses. This makes Goodman feel strong until they meet his childhood catechism teacher and see her turned. This act deters his confidence to a great degree. He continues down the trail looking for hope in the heavens but hears onl... ...community. Although these career driven people do not have a book to guide their path, they pursue it none the less. Some of these people have lost, or never had the belief, of reaching heaven, or even its existence. These people are the peers of the believers and set the rules or guidelines for career goals. So in effect the status in the community is a way of saying they are better. The people who do not believe in any god-like being fight in an effort to make their mark on the world, for this is the only they can be recognized or remembered. Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Articles of Confederation : an Ineffective Government
Articles of Confederation : An Ineffective Government Whoever said that the Articles of Confederation provided the United States with an effective government was completely incorrect. The United States were not united under this government. The United States could not stand up for itself against other countries. Also, the United States were not stable economically under the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation did not provide a good government for America. Under the Articles of Confederation, the United States were not united at all.The Articles of Confederation created a central government that was not strong at all. The government established a tax quota for each of the states and asked them please to contribute their share on a voluntary basis. They were lucky if the states paid one-fourth of the requested amount. America had just gotten away from England and all of its taxes, so there was no reason to let their own government do the same. In John Jay’s letter to George Washington in 1786, he says that he is more worried about impending crisis caused by the Articles of Confederation than he was about the Revolutionary War.He was thinking that some people were not in agreement with the government and wanted it to be completely gone. He was worried for a good reason because three years earlier there was an attempt by a group of farmers from Pennsylvania to run the government out of Philadelphia. Also, the states acted like their own countries and only looked out for themselves. Rhode Island is a good example of this because they rejected a request by Congress to put a tax on imported goods. They ignored the fact that America was in a massive amount of debt to the Spanish, French and Dutch.They chose to better themselves rather than to better the country. They said that the tax would be hard on their state and would go against the constitution of their state. Rhode Island denied a tax that was suggested by the country’s central government because it conflicted with their own government. Also, based on the map of WESTERN LANDS CEDED BY THE STATES, the states were claiming territories as their own and not as a whole nation. Virginia claimed more than two-thirds of the Northwest Territory from the other states. There were also disputes over boundaries and taxes put on goods from state to state.New York taxed firewood from Connecticut and cabbage from New Jersey at one time. Also, there were a few rebellions. A noticeable one was Shay’s Rebellion, which had debt-ridden farmers tried to free themselves from the demands of the government. All these different conflicts and incidents point to the nation being not united due to the weakness of the Articles of Confederation. While under the Articles of Confederation, the United States could not stand up for itself. The Articles of Confederation stopped the country from successfully raising an army.To do so, the government had to ask the state to meet their t roop quotas, which usually did not happen. The government had no power to enforce this. The weak central government also did not have the power to back its foreign policies with military strength. John Jay had experienced other nations not taking the United States seriously. When Jay negotiated with the Spanish Minister de Gardoqui, he attempted to regain use of the Mississippi, which had been closed to American Commerce in 1784. Jay said that the Spanish should be careful because the American population was growing rapidly and de Gardoqui denied him.The minister of Spain said that the Americans should relinquish their right to navigate the Mississippi. Despite Jay’s warning, the Spanish Minister refused to take the United States seriously. Since the Articles of Confederation would not allow the government to raise an army effectively, Spain had no reason to take the United States seriously. The country had no way of standing up for itself. England felt that America stabbed t hem in the back and for that, did not send a minister to the capital for eight years.England poked fun at how little unity the states had by saying that if they sent one minister, they might as well send thirteen. John Jay gave specific instructions to the United States Minister to England. He wanted the minister to be very respectful and make the United States look better. Since the United States could not actually stand up for itself under the Articles of Confederation, Jay wanted it to look like they did. Also, Spain gave the United States trouble. Spain took Florida which had been given to the United States by England in 1783.No country took the United States seriously and would continue to walk all over them until the United States could stand up for itself. The United States were not economically stable while under the Articles of Confederation. One main reason for economic struggle was that there were so many types of currency being used that trade with other states was near impossible. There were fourteen total types of currency, one from each state and the rarely used Continental. The Articles of Confederation did not allow the government to control commerce.This left states free to make different, often contradicting, laws of navigation and trading. With all of this conflict, making money was very difficult because one state always had to pay another for some navigation law to do any trading at all. The Articles of Confederation also left the government unable to levy taxes. The government could ask the states nicely, but couldn’t actually enforce the payment. Another economic struggle was caused by European countries such as England and Spain. England declined to make a commercial treaty and also would not remove its old navigation laws.England was just trying to be a â€Å"thorn in the side†of the United States. If the United States were under a better government, they could make up for the monetary losses to England by levying taxes of their own. Based on the chart showing the United States’ value of exports to England and population, it seems like the numbers are all over the place. The export profits are never constantly increasing even though the population is increasing. Usually, if the population goes up, so do the number of goods exported and prices will go down.That is true for this time period, however, England is not buying all that the United States have to export. The central government of the United States cannot regulate trade at all and it is deeply affecting the profits. Also, Spain closing the Mississippi River does not help the American trade. The entire western part of the United States uses that river for exporting. That cut off a large amount of profit for Americans. None of that would have happened if the United States were under a stronger government than the Articles of Confederation provided.The Articles of Confederation did not help American trade. Some people may have thought t hat the Articles of Confederation provided an effective government, but they did not. The United States were not united at all under the Articles of Confederation. The United States could not stand up for itself and be taken seriously under the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation caused the United States to be economically unstable. The Articles of Confederation never provided the United States with an effective government.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Responsible Leadership in a Stakeholder Society- a Relational Perspective
We understand responsible leadership as a social-relational and ethical phenomenon, which occurs in social processes of interaction. While the prevailing leadership literature has for the most part focused on the relationship between leaders and followers in the organization and defined followers as subordinates, we show in this article that leadership takes place in interaction with a multitude of followers as stakeholders inside and outside the corporation. Using an ethical lens, we discuss leadership responsibilities in a stakeholder society, thereby following Bass and Steidelmeier’s suggestion to discuss ‘‘leadership in the context of contemporary stakeholder theory’’ (1999: 200). Moreover, from a relational and stakeholder perspective we approach the questions: What is responsible leadership? What makes a responsible leader? What qualities are needed? Finally, we propose a so-called ‘‘roles model’’ of responsible leadership, which gives a gestalt to a responsible leader and describes the different roles he or she takes in leading stakeholders and business in society. †¢Leading in a global and interconnected world: clients and customers, employees, business partners, social and natural environment, shareholders †¢Leadership and stakeholder theory †¢Towards a theory of responsible leadership- What is the purpose of leadership in a stakeholder society: Engage with others What is the function of the leader in the leader–follower relationship? The results and success of leadershipdepend on the constructions and co-ordinated actions of both leaders and stakeholders the results and success of leadership depend on the constructions and co-ordinated actions of both leaders and stakeholders †¢What makes a responsible leader? Responsible leadership is the art of building and sustaining goo d relationships to all relevant stakeholders †¢What qualities do responsible leaders need? Ethical intelligence consists of three key components: moral awareness, moral reflection and moral imagination. Modelling a (responsible) leader’s roles The leader as steward The leader as citizen The leader as visionary The leader as servant The leader as coach The leader as architect The leader as storyteller and meaning enabler The leader as change agent Conclusion: We argued that leadership is a social-relational and ethical phenomenon that occurs in interaction between a leader and a broader group of followers, inside and outside the organization. These followers are in fact a leader’s stakeholders – they are either affected by a leader’s action or have a stake in the leadership project. Often, they have an equal status. In this article, we therefore contended that in a global and networked stakeholder environment the concept of the leader as the great man at the top of the pyramid, as the main creator of economic and social reality with followers as subordinates who are dedicated to ‘‘do the leader’s wishes’’, is no longer valid. Instead, leaders are understood as equal human beings who earn a license to lead from their followers.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Midterm Quiz Essays
Midterm Quiz Essays Midterm Quiz Essay Midterm Quiz Essay This midterm exam consist of 32 multiple choice questions and covers the material In Chapters 1 through 8. There are four questions from each chapter. 1). The flat-screen plasma TVs are selling extremely well. The originators of this technology are earning higher profits. What theory of profit best reflects the performance of the plasma screen makers? 2). To reduce Agency Problems, executive compensation should be designed to: 3). Economic profit Is defined as the deference between revenue and . ). Which of the following will Increase (VII the shareholder wealth minimization model of the firm: 5). A change In the level of an economic actively Is desirable and should be undertaken as long as the marginal benefits exceed the 6). The closest example of a risk-free security is 7). The primary difference(s) between the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation as measures of risk are: 8). The is the ratio of to the 9). If demand were inelastic, then we should Immediately: 10). P roducers goods are: 11). Marginal revenue (MR.) is hen total revenue is maximized. 12). Suppose we estimate that the demand elasticity for fine leather jackets is -. 7 at their current prices. Then we know that: 13). The method which can give some information in estimating demand of a product that hasnt yet come to market is: 14). The standard deviation of the error terms in an estimated regression equation is known as: 15). All of the following are reasons why an association relationship may not Imply a causal relationship except: 16). Demand functions In the multiplicative form are most moon for all of the following reasons except: 17). The variation in an economic time-series which is caused by major expansions or contractions usually of greater than a year in duration is known as: 18). The forecasting technique which attempts to forecast short-run changes and makes use of economic indicators known as leading, coincident or lagging indicators Is known as: 19). The type of economic Indicator that can best be used for business forecasting Is the: 20). An example of a time series data set Is one for which the: 21). The optimal currency area Involves a trade-off of reducing transaction costs but the inability to use changes in exchange rates to help ailing regions. If the US, Canada, and Mexico had one single currency (the Peso- Dollar) we would tend to see all of the following EXCEPT: 22). Trading partners should specialize in producing goods In accordance with comparative advantage, then trade and diversify In consumption because 23). In an open economy with few capital restrictions and substantial Import-export trade, a rise In Interest rates and a decline n the producer price index of inflation will 24). Sing demand and supply curves for the Japanese yen based on the $/V price for yen, an increase in US INFLATION RATES would 25). The following is a Cob-Douglas production function: Q = 1. KOOK. LO. 5. What is correct here? 26). Which of the following is never negative? 27). If the marginal product of labor is 100 and the price of labor Is 10, while the marginal product of capital Is 200 and t he price of capital Is $30, then what should relative to the fixed input is being used to produce the desired output. This statement is true for: 29). What method of inventory valuation should be used for economic decision-making problems? 30). Are defined as costs which are incurred regardless of the alternative action chosen in a decision-making problem. 31). If ETC = 321 + Q Q, then average total cost at Q = 10 is: 32).
Monday, October 21, 2019
Hurricanes2 essays
Hurricanes2 essays Hurricane, what does it mean? What do hurricanes do? What kind of powers do they possess? Where regions of the world are mostly affected by these hurricanes? All these questions I plan to answer in the following paragraphs. One thing we do know for sure is that a hurricane is one of the most devastating storms that Mother Nature has to offer. We also know that hurricanes cause a lot of damage to homes, businesses, and peoples lives. The term hurricane is a regionally specific name for a strong tropical cyclone. A hurricane is a powerful, whirling storm that measures 200 to 300 miles in diameter. The winds near the center of a hurricane blow at speeds of 74 miles per hour or more, and the center of the hurricane is supposed to be the calmest part of a hurricane so you can imagine what the speeds are like towards the outer parts of a hurricane. A hurricane is an area of low air pressure that forms over oceans in tropical regions in either the North Atlantic Ocean or Eastern North Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes develop from easterly waves. These long, narrow regions of low pressure occur in ocean winds are called trade winds. Easterly waves may grow into a tropical depression, with winds of up to 31 miles per hour; then into a tropical storm, with winds of up to 73 miles per hour; and finally into a hurricane. Hurricane winds swirl around the eye, a calm area in the center of the storm. The eye of a hurricane measures about 20 miles in diameter and has a few winds or clouds. Storm clouds called wall clouds surround the eye. The strongest winds and heaviest rain of a hurricane occur within its wall clouds. These clouds bring torrential rain and violent winds. Sinking air-or low pressure-suppresses cloud formation in the eye. Thats why the eye is so calm. They say that the skies can be blue and sun can even shine through. The eye is typically measured about 11 to 35 feet across. Howev ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Travel Articles Arent for Travel Magazines Only
Travel Articles Arent for Travel Magazines Only You shouldn’t limit your efforts for a travel-article sale living magazines, regionals, lifestyles, newspapers, seniors magazines, general magazines and even pet magazines (if your pet article is travel related) and more all print travel articles. FAMILY FUN, a family and parenting magazine, has several travel columns. Two are â€Å"We Tried It†and â€Å"You are There.† These one-page articles detail a family’s experience trying a specific activity or at a participatory attraction. Christian magazines often combine information about interesting places with missions and/or ministry opportunities. Business magazines have short articles pertaining to travelbusiness trips, airports that provide things to do between flights, etc. Regional or lifestyle magazinesMIDWEST LIVING and SOUTHERN LIVING, for examplelook for short pieces on scenic drives, city profiles, road trips, destinations, etc. EVERYDAY WITH RACHAEL RAY, a food and lifestyle magazine, usually has up to ten pages of travel-related articles. Even frugal-living newsletters purchase travel pieces. I sold a short article on how to save money on the purchase of a rental car and another on how to save money when taking a r oad trip to THE DOLLAR STRETCHER. And, of course, there are the writing magazines. Once you have a little travel-writing savvy under your belt, tell others how you do it Travel articles embody more than the 2,000-3,000 word feature articles on destinations and the like; they also include 50-150- word quick-hit pieces on the latest travel trendsgear, gadgets, etc.and other short 250-500 word pieces on everything from dining and nightlife to health and transportation as long as it’s travelrelated. Travel markets other than the traditional travel markets are ubiquitous and virtually endless. Travel articles often straddle one or more market boundaries. That is why so many different types of magazines are able to use them. For example, a story about people with disabilities or medical conditions using air transportation would be both health and travel related and a story about elite travel status could find a home in a business magazine and a travel magazine. I am currently working on a short 250-word write-up for ARTHRITIS TODAY on a home-grown strategy my son came up with for a container to carry injection needles on board an airplane, an article prompted You can often glean the travel information for your alternative magazine markets from what you used in a larger more in-depth travel article you wrote for a bona fide travel magazine. I recently wrote a more-than-2,000-word logistics article on a major city for TRAVEL SMART, for example. From that one article I was able to cull a 600-word how-to for a writing magazine, a 1,000-word article for another and a 700-word how-to for a frugal living newsletter (all travel-related articles, of course). And I’m not finished. I tentatively plan a short distillery profile (travel related) for a bourbon magazine (non-travel publication), an idea that came to me when I included a distillery tour as part of my lengthy logistics article. As I’d already researched and reported on these spin-offs in my original article, recycling them to other non-travel markets was fairly simple. As freelance writers we need to keep the checks coming in. If you’re a travel writer, cash in (I mean that literally) on every opportunity to â€Å"crossover†into other non-travel magazines with your travel articles.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Registered nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Registered nursing - Essay Example RNs are responsible for teaching patients or family members on how to take care of post-treatment home care, diet and exercise programs, and self-administration of medication and physical therapy and at times grief counseling as well. (Occupational Outlook Handbook) 1 Registered nurses also team up with doctors in the performance of treatments, tests and examinations, the administration of medications, and the provision of direct patient care in convalescence and rehabilitation. (Mayo School of Health Sciences) 2 RNs also provide direct patient care, they observe, asses, and record symptoms, reactions, and progress, which provides the basis for care planning and intervention. Registered nurses work in various settings from patient care and case management to establishing nursing practice standards, developing quality assurance procedures, directing complex nursing care systems, conducting clinical research, teaching in nursing programs, legal nursing as well as practicing in many other stimulating settings. (Explore health careers) 3 RNs can also specialize in one or more patient care specialties separated by work setting type of treatment; disease, ailment, or condition; organ or body system type; or population. They may specialize by becoming ambulatory care nurses, critical care nurses, emergency, or trauma, nurses, home health care nurses, hospice and palliative care nurses, medical-surgical nurses, perianesthesia nurses, perioperative nurses, radiologic nurses, psychiatric nurses, etc. the list is endless. Aspiring nurses must graduate from an approved nursing program and pass a national licensing examination, the NCLEX-RN, in order to get a nursing license. After this there are different means of becoming an RN. The first method is a bachelor’s of science degree in nursing (BSN); these programs are offered by colleges and universities and require four years of study. The second
Friday, October 18, 2019
Individual Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Individual Case Analysis - Essay Example Ireland is a manufacturing base with low costs for the manufacturing of US enterprises. The policy towards FDI became more selective in the 1970s which encouraged flow of investments in the production of goods that are produced through modern technology (Ruane & Buckley, 2006, 4-5). Body In the decade of 1990-2000, the country witnessed massive economic transformation. The growth in GDP took the rising curve and fiscal surplus became the norm. The resurgence of the economy earned a great deal of worldwide attention. The experts opined the policies relating to collective bargaining and reforms in the education sector along with exchange rate reforms contributed in the resurgence. But some regarded FDI as the factor that is responsible. The performance of the country was primarily driven by the foreign owned firms serving the EU market. The high performance of the small firms nullified the poor performance of the indigenous sector. Many experts believed that the rising costs along with shortages in labor supply which act as the barrier to competitiveness of the country. The real wages seemed to increase faster than the productivity and reduce the incentive from FDI. Two acts were introduced by the Valera government namely the Finance Act of 1932 and the Control of Manufactures Act of 1932 (Baccaro & Simoni, 7-8). The economic stagnation in 1950 demanded changes in economic regulations. In order to boost the economy, several laws were passed. The country in collaboration with the IMF the World Bank relaxed the restrictions on the control of Manufactures Act. In 1958, there was a shift from protectionism to free trade regime and the government encouraged foreign investments through concessions in tax and incentive grants. The tariff got lowered in the period between 1962 and 1964. In spite of the turbulence faced by the country in 1970s the FDI continued to grow. Industrial development Authority believed that the agency led foreign investment strategy had done litt le to lift the economy. The success witnessed by some sectors did not trickle down to the rest of the economy. The linkage between the foreign investors and local industries was limited. The initiatives to promote foreign investment were not fruitful (Velde, 6). The support provided to the foreign firms particularly operating in the electronics sector was excessive. The MNCs were not blamed for the failure of the strategies as the suppliers lacked the required technical expertise. The IDA holds the mismanagement from the part of the government and is responsible for the situation particularly during the times of high inflation rates. Excessive government spending as well as high rates of unemployment took toll from the economy. The need for resurgence was felt from all sectors and the government took advantage of the situation and forged to create social partnerships across political and social sectors. The IDA took the initiative to promote labor industries of Ireland. A policy of advertising campaign was followed. The emphasis was shifted from tax and financial incentives to building up an educated workforce. The resultant was immigration of new firms into the country. The importance of Ireland among the EU was soon felt. Direct transfers were made into the country through the Single European Act. Funds for development of infrastructure and
Case 3.2 Hanover-Bates Chemical Corporation Study
3.2 Hanover-Bates Chemical Corporation - Case Study Example In looking at a different angle of sales a profit performance, District 3 and District 7 were compared side by side, as District 7 was the most highly revered district in Hanover-Bates. District 7 outperformed district 3 in gross profits in their â€Å"B†category of accounts, which are their medium-sized accounts that generate only $11,000 to $19,999 each year in sales. Despite the fact that this is the only facet of the three account categories that District 7 outperformed District 3, District 7 still had higher gross profits than District 3 by $106,500. This is the reason that Sprague was hired on to Hanover-Bates, to utilize his skills in sales and profit analyses to improve the performance of District 3 through reallocation of sales. District 3’s performance was very poor in comparison to the others, and as such needed to be assessed. Either the basic reasons for this poor performance was due to misallocated efforts from that district from customers or the product lines itself that was being sold. Although Hanover-Bates does not produce chemicals, it is important for their customer base to see a variable in the quality of the products that they are buying from Hanover-Bates versus their competition. The lack of performance of District 3 versus other districts is the sales representative’s lack of knowledge, motivation, or both. Most of their sales representatives had previously worked for a customer of Hanover-Bates and did not have a college education. This could most assuredly be a major cause of the lack of sales in the company, as the representatives simply did not have the proper education to pursue sales with the right language, persuasion and vigor for success. This could seriously affect Hanover-Bates’ ability to prospect further into different sectors and affect the closing of new sales for the company. This leaves the sales staff with a lack of competence, confidence, communication skills and understanding of Hanover-Bates’ organizational strategies for sales and growth. Given that most of the sales representatives in the company are also older and fairly experienced, they may feel that they have the skills and repertoire that are required to succeed in sales for Hanover-Bates, and thus are unmotivated to learn new approaches to the sales media. The North East district’s sales and performance are due to the lack of college-educated individuals with the proper knowledge and skills of a new and ever changing market place. They also are in great need of implementation and training in the newly developed sales program created by the national sales manager. It the sales representatives were able to undergo further trainin g and implementation of his program, Hanover-Bates and its customers alike would be of benefit. In this new sales program, Hanover-Bates sales volumes for each account would be higher, thus selling costs would decrease. These higher sales volumes would be justification for a sales representat
Othello Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10
Othello - Essay Example Lago and Roderigo constantly use the words â€Å"him†or â€Å"he†throughout the first part of the play. When they finally start to specify whom they are referring to, they do so with nicknames that depict racism. Racial epithets used by the actors include â€Å"the thick lips†and the â€Å"Barbary horse.†Although the presence of Othello is there in the second scene of the play, he becomes vocal at the center of Act 1, scene III. Later, Othello is the last to arrive at Cyprus as depicted in Act II, scene I. He stands apart while Lago and Cassio engage in a discussion, in Act IV the first scene. He also assumes that Cassion has passed away when the Act V’s fight occurs. The status of Othello as an outsider may be why he appears to be an easy target for Lago. Although Othello stands as a racial and cultural outsider in Venice, his experience and skills as a leader and soldier are valuable to the state, and he serves as an important part of Venetian society. The senate and the duke demand Othello greatly, as evidenced by Cassio’s pronouncements that the senate â€Å"sent around three several quests†to search for him (I.ii.46). The Venetian government places sufficient trust in Othello to put him in complete political and martial command of Cyprus. Othello, during his dying moments, helps the people of Venetian to recall the â€Å"service†he gave to their state (V.ii.348). Those who regard Othello as their civic and social peer, such as Brabanzio and Desdemona, appear drawn to him because of his exotic characteristics. Othello admits and tells of his friendship with Brabanzio. He states, â€Å"Desdemona’s father loved me, oft invited me†(I.iii.127–129). The character manages to capture the attention of his peers using his speech. The Dukes respond to the speech he gives by describing how he captured the attention of Desdemona with the fables of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Family and Medical Leave Act Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Family and Medical Leave Act - Research Paper Example It is applicable to all public employees and those in private companies with at least 50 employees. Certain FMLA provisions are favorable for employers and employees. However, the area of Human Resources (HR) has struggled with some of its aspects, especially those in regards to episodic or chronic conditions, sporadic use of leave or serious conditions of health. HR departments are facing challenges in terms of keeping track of intermittent leave; chronic abuse of such leave; morale problems arising from employees required to cover for absent colleagues; associated costs of productivity loss due employees being on leave; vague medical leave certification documentation by healthcare professionals; and the uncertainty of the leave requests’ legitimacy (Merkle, 2012). On the employers’ part, they are challenged by the realization that employees will not always notify them promptly when they require FMLA leave, more so in cases of unexpected conditions. Regulations stipulate that employees give a notice of at least 30 days in advance, but this is not practical in unforeseeable emergencies. Therefore, it becomes a considerable problem for the employer and HR department to plan for the absence of their employees. Eligible employees are the greatest beneficiaries of FMLA, so long as they can give sufficient notice with supporting evidence of the need for leave. They have enough time to address family and personal obligations while their jobs are still guaranteed. The Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a pitch in 2011, aiming to promote the clarity of behavior associated with leave-taking (BLR, 2012). According to the DOL, it is imperative for employees, employers and HR departments to develop compliance programs and regulatory priorities based on current and credible data rather than anecdotal and outdated information. An example of pending legislation is that of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Deductive and inductive criminal profiling Coursework
Deductive and inductive criminal profiling - Coursework Example Profiling methodologies differ mainly because all profilers are not trained uniformly and they have varying abilities. Basically, there are two kinds of profiling. Each describes different methodologies to this field of study. Inductive Criminal Profiling is hypothetically associated with the formation of a psychological model of symptoms and the ensuing evidence of symptoms. This method essentially entails racial generalizations based on statistics. Deductive Criminal Profiling is the less common technique of profiling. It can be thought of as, very broadly speaking, the Sherlock Holmes process where the profiler retains an open mind and examines all ideas, opinions and assumptions put forth regardless of how prominent the supplier of the information might be. Decisions concerning which person to stop, question and detain based on characteristic generalizations that are either perceived or observable such as race is founded on the inductive profiling method. However, â€Å"even whe n generalizations are statistically legitimate, they can be very erroneous in particular cases.†(Turvey, 1998). If law enforcement agencies implement the inductive profiling method, it serves to mislead the investigative process and adds the factor of pseudo-credibility to the method.
Family and Medical Leave Act Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Family and Medical Leave Act - Research Paper Example It is applicable to all public employees and those in private companies with at least 50 employees. Certain FMLA provisions are favorable for employers and employees. However, the area of Human Resources (HR) has struggled with some of its aspects, especially those in regards to episodic or chronic conditions, sporadic use of leave or serious conditions of health. HR departments are facing challenges in terms of keeping track of intermittent leave; chronic abuse of such leave; morale problems arising from employees required to cover for absent colleagues; associated costs of productivity loss due employees being on leave; vague medical leave certification documentation by healthcare professionals; and the uncertainty of the leave requests’ legitimacy (Merkle, 2012). On the employers’ part, they are challenged by the realization that employees will not always notify them promptly when they require FMLA leave, more so in cases of unexpected conditions. Regulations stipulate that employees give a notice of at least 30 days in advance, but this is not practical in unforeseeable emergencies. Therefore, it becomes a considerable problem for the employer and HR department to plan for the absence of their employees. Eligible employees are the greatest beneficiaries of FMLA, so long as they can give sufficient notice with supporting evidence of the need for leave. They have enough time to address family and personal obligations while their jobs are still guaranteed. The Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a pitch in 2011, aiming to promote the clarity of behavior associated with leave-taking (BLR, 2012). According to the DOL, it is imperative for employees, employers and HR departments to develop compliance programs and regulatory priorities based on current and credible data rather than anecdotal and outdated information. An example of pending legislation is that of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Essay on Australian Culture Essay Example for Free
Essay on Australian Culture Essay The composers of In Sydney’s Suburbs, An Endless Summer and Love Letter: McIver’s Baths have helped me to further understand Australian culture by using a variety of language devices and techniques to uncover the Australian culture. Chris West, the author of In Sydney’s Suburbs, An Endless Summer reveals that Australians respect the harsh landscape and presents beach culture as a prominent aspect n the lives of Australia. Helen Pitt, the author of Love Letter: McIver’s Baths, uncovers Aboriginal beliefs in Australian principles and shows that multiculturalism is freely accepted in Australian society. West conveys the Australian landscape to be harsh and rugged, yet respected and valued by Australians. West personifies the land and describes how it â€Å"points like a crooked finger†. The use of the verb â€Å"points†gives the land an intimidating quality. West continues to describe the land as â€Å"a patch of God’s country. †The juxtaposition of the two phrases suggests that the Australian is feared but respected and cared for by Australians. This comparison has broadened my understanding of the Australian culture. This idea is similar to Pitt’s description of the beach â€Å"which is as curvy as the female form. †The simile creates a unique attractiveness, which is intriguing but is appreciated in Australian culture. Both West and Pitt expose an underlying appreciation of natural beauty in Australia, confirming my understanding of Australian culture. Pitt has employed the use of figurative devices that helped extend my understanding of Australian culture. â€Å"You nursed me†¦your swell embraced me in a way she no longer could. †The use of apostrophe gives the baths motherly qualities. The verbs â€Å"nursed†and â€Å"embraced†mimic the actions of a mother caring for her child. The quote also alludes to the old Aboriginal beliefs that the land is mother. This reveals that Aboriginal culture and beliefs are still present in today’s society and highly respected in Australian culture. In West’s article, there are also allusions to Aboriginal culture. He describes children playing on the beach â€Å"under the watchful eyes of black-clad elders†. Both composers display an aspect of Aboriginal culture and its importance in Australian society, thus deepening my understanding of Australian culture. In West’s article, beach culture is displayed as a prominent aspect in the lives of Australians. He describes businessmen and how they â€Å"peel off their swimsuits in the beachfront parking lots, towel down and don sober business attire then drive straight to work. †The use of the verb â€Å"peel†suggests that the beach and beach culture is part of them, that it’s in their skin and soul. Pitt reinforces the idea that being at one with sea and its surrounding environment is what is truly valued in Australian society. â€Å"I took refuge in your barnacled depths, reacquainting myself†¦with what it meant to be Australian. †Both composers explore the notion that having connection with the beach is genuinely valued in Australian culture, thus challenging my understanding of Australian culture. In Pitt’s article, multiculturalism is celebrated by showing the freedoms that we as Australians, no matter what cultural heritage we have, are able to enjoy. â€Å"Muslim women frolicking in burkinis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The use of the verb â€Å"frolicking†suggests that the women feel comfortable enjoying the Australian environment without fear of prejudice from other cultures. The revelation of the carefree attitude towards cultural diversity in Australian culture has expanded my understanding of Australian culture. West also presents the acceptance of a diverse range of culture in his article. â€Å"Families of newly arrived Mediterranean immigrants fetch extravagant picnics†¦from the trunks of Japanese-built sedans†Both composers clarify that people of other cultures and religions are accepted and welcomed in Australian society. The confirmation has contributed to my understanding of Australian culture. By manipulating a range of language devices, both composers have challenged and reinforced my understanding of Australian culture, beliefs and values. West and Pitt both confirm that the harsh yet spectacular landscape of Australia is respected and cherished in Australian culture. They both uncover Aboriginal beliefs that are still present in today’s society. Multiculturalism and beach culture are both thoroughly exposed by West and Pitt. In Sydney’s Suburbs, An Endless Summer and Love Letter: McIver’s Baths have definitely helped me to further understand Australian culture.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Development Of Strong Sense Of Self Esteem
The Development Of Strong Sense Of Self Esteem Introduction The development of a strong sense of self-esteem during childhood is important since children are to withstand the family stresses, school pressures, and temptations in societies. It is also a general belief of many professionals, including researchers, educations and parents, high self-esteem in children is linked to better academic achievement and more success in life (Leary, Schreindorfer, Haupt, 1995), conversely, low self-esteem is linked to poor school performance and deviant social behaviours (Daane, 2003). This paper is to discuss whether schools should put resources for boosting self-esteem of their students so as to improve students school performance/achievements. Self Esteem and School Performance Self-esteem is a complex concept. Burns, Dunn, Brady, Starr, and Blosser (2000) explained this term as the basic developmental milestone of all children which is paramount in basic personality development. The simple definition for self-esteem is how much value that people place on themselves. Self-esteem is difficult to have an accurate or exact definition. Thus various explanations/definitions of self-esteem are listed in the figure below cited by Malbi and Reasoner (2000). Figure 1: Some Definitions of Self-Esteem Cited (Malbi Reasoner, 2000) The interpretation of self-esteem can be generalised as the extent to which an individual believes himself or herself to be competent and worthy of living. Humphrey (2004) identified the three constructs of sense of self which are self-concept, ideal-self, and self-esteem. He explained that self-esteem is an evaluation of personal worth based on the difference between ones ideal-self and ones self-concept. Lawrence (2000) mentioned that self-esteem construct is recognised today to be a major factor in learning outcomes. With reference to the various definitions of self-esteem, people with high self-esteem possess the characteristics of having higher aspiration and better global evaluation of oneself. They should be more willing to persist in dealing with initial failure and to have no sense of hopeless when recognising of their initial incapability. Furthermore they should have confidence when facing problems and get satisfaction easily from progress and success. According to Baumeister, Campbell, Krueger, and Vohs (2003), however, self-esteem can refer to an inflated, arrogant, grandiose, unwarranted sense of conceited superiority over others. Low self-esteem refers as an unfavourable or relatively unfavourable definition of self when using some common self-esteem scores. Therefore, low self-esteem can be further defined as either an accurate and well-founded understanding of a persons shortcomings or a distorted, pathological sense of insecurity and inferiority (Baumeister et al., 2003). Learning refers to acquire information and skills that one does not initially have. Effective learning can be revealed by proper measurement of school performance of students such as commonly use of GPA and achievement scores/grades. Researches have consistently shown positive correlations between how people value themselves (self-esteem), and the level of their academic achievements (school performance). Those who have higher self-esteem with confidence, generally achieve more in schools, while those who lack confidence with lower self-esteem achieve academically less. No one would argue that the majority of students in band 3 schools of Hong Kong are likely to have relatively low self-esteem as a result of feeling inadequate over not being able to read, write or spell like most others studying in the schools at the upper bands although their relatively low self-esteem may be a result of other experiences beginning in childhood (Lawrence, 2000) or problematic distribution of self-es teem scores. Furthermore, many educators and administrators believe that one of possible sources of self-esteem may be academic achievement. Good academic results could enhance a students sense of worthiness and competence (Naderi, Abdullah, Aizan, Sharir, Kumar, 2009). It is found in a research that self-esteem and academic achievement seem to be most highly related between the years of about seven to fifteen (Malbi Reasoner, 2000). However, the enthusiastic claims of the self-esteem movement are not sustainable in view of some selected researches to be discussed in the following section. In fact the effects of self-esteem on academic achievement are small, limited, and not all good. A Myth of Self-Esteem In 1986, the Californian government funded a task force annually with the huge amount of money to boost the self esteem of her citizens aiming at the reduction of some social problems, such as unwanted pregnancy and school failure, as well as subsequently the contribution of the taxpayers. Disappointingly, the literature review done by this task force shown low associations between self-esteem and its presumed consequences (Smelser, 1989). Albert Ellis, a reputable clinical psychologist, claimed that self-esteem was the greatest know to man or woman because it was conditional so that people would be in more favourable conditions if they stopped trying to force themselves to believe they are worthy. Self-esteem movements are a distinctive feature of individualist cultures in western countries like the US but the same concerns are rare in collective cultures like Japan. That indicates that self-esteem is not a universal human motive but rather an artefact. The effect of self-esteem on a childs school performance can be examined in two aspects: the correlation and the causal relationship between self-esteem and school performance. Positive but Weak Correlation Many researchers investigated the correlation between self-esteem and academic achievement in recent years. However, only some of them, like Maruyama, Rubin, and Kingsbury (1981), found that high self-esteem facilitates academic achievement. Self-esteem is multidimensional, which can refer as either academic self-esteem, physical appearance self-esteem or global self-esteem. Many researches in which showed positive correlation were generally used global self-esteem instead of academic self-esteem for their measurements that reduced the confidence of their outcomes and results. Pullmann and Allik (2008) found that only a limited correlation between self-esteem and academic achievement. Indeed they identified in their studies that low general self-esteem did not necessarily signal a poor academic achievement. By contrast, their research results showed that low, but not high as the general belief, self-esteem is a significant predictor of good school performance. In addition, Naderi et al. (2009) found in their studies done in Iran that self-esteem is not significantly related to academic achievement and they concluded that self-esteem and academic achievement might be confounders to each other. According to the research findings from Marsh and OMara (2008), prior self-esteem has only small positive effect on subsequent academic achievement. From the studies of Hansford Hattie (1982) with more than 200,000 participants also showed that a significant positive but weak correlation with average r between +.21 and +.26. In addition, r ranged from .10 to .03 of which reflected very weak correlation was found in the research on standard achievement tests done by Davies and Brember (1999). Similarly, research of students most recent semester grades in Maths and English by Bowles (1999) showed very weak correlation of r=.29. Kugle, Clements, and Powell (1983) conducted a similar research using scores on a reading achievement test as school performance which gave the result of r=.18 indicating very weak correlation. Another research by Simon and Simon (1975) proved the correlation between self-esteem and scores on achievement tests/IQ test scores was weak with r=.33 although it was significant. Zimmerman, Copeland, Shope, and Dielman (1997) asked students for general ratings of their grades in the studies. They concluded that high self-esteem could lead to better school grade but the correlation was very weak. Rubin, Dorle, Sandidge (1977) concluded for their research on measuring achievement and teachers rating of students behaviour and performance that practical significance between self-esteem and academic achievement is negligible. All in all, a number of researches support that self-esteem and school performance shows positive correlation but the relationship is weak and ambiguous. High-esteem and good school performance go together in many circumstances but there is no indication of causal conclusion whether self-esteem is a cause or a result of school performance. Positive but Bi-directional Causal Relationship It is interested to understand on whether self-esteem causes educational success or the other way round. In addition many researchers investigated the effectiveness of using self-esteem intervention program in schools on escalating the self-esteem of students so as to improve their academic performance. Could there be other variables responsible for the correlation between self-esteem and school performance as proved in many researches? Bachman and OMalley (1977) found that no significant causal influence between self-esteem and achievement in the high school context with the examination of longitudinal data by utilizing a priori model relating self-esteem and academic achievement of young males. Another study by Maruyama et al. (1981) also showed no significant relationship existed between self-esteem and school achievement. They revealed that self-esteem and academic achievement were not causally related to each other. In the study of about 1,900 boys who were at 10th-grade and 12th-grade (Rosenberg, Schooler, Schoenbach, 1989), the researchers only found modest causal relationship leading from school grades to self-esteem and, not surprisingly, extremely weak causal relationship leading from self-esteem to educational attainments. Thus they concluded that there was no solid evidence to support that self-esteem affected school results, instead self-esteem seemed to be the result of good school performance. Furthe r in the study conducted in Norway by Skaalvik and Hagtvet (1990), they found that doing well in school on year led to higher self-esteem the next year for the 600 samples of Norwegian students in two cohorts. They concluded that the self-concept of ability mediated the relation between global self-esteem and school performance. In addition they identified that there was no strong causal relation between self-esteem and school performance. Bachman and OMalley (1986) conducted a longitudinal study on more than 1,600 students at 10th-grade with the conclusion that there was no obvious causal relation between self-esteem and educational attainment. They also found that self-esteem was a result from good school performance, rather than a cause and the global self-esteem had a negligible relationship to eventual educational attainment. In addition they found that third variables like family background or ability were responsible for the relationship between self-esteem and school performance, though it was a very weak correlation. Regarding the effect of self-esteem intervention program on school performance, the research by Scheirer and Kraut (1979), in which it aimed at boosting self-esteem and hence improving study skills, revealed that no association between self-concept change and educational attainment. This view is also supported by Forsyth and Kerr (1999) in their field experiment of self-esteem intervention for college students. They found that boosting self-esteem could have negative impact on students academic achievement. Thus the findings of this experiment support that high self-esteem leads to low academic performance. Based on the above evidences, positive causal relationship between self-esteem and school performance exists but it seems to be a bi-directional one. It is also important to note that other varaibles, such as family, ability and socioeconomic status, are also responsible for the correlations between self-esteem and academic achievements. Conclusion According to the findings of Dalgas-Pelish (2006), it might be beneficial to offer self-esteem enhancement education, which could be incorporated into curriculum in schools, to children to improve their feelings about themselves. Then a child who is exposed to self-esteem enhancement programs may be better equipped to face decisions that are usually made in schools and homes. However the risk is that boosting self-esteem may lead to inflated self-esteem, i.e. students may overestimate themselves. Inflated self-esteem may also increase the risk of violence and self-defeating behaviours in schools. In accordance with most of the researches, it is certain that there are some benefits of high self-esteem on school performance but this is only minimal and most of the time the effects are difficult to notice. Even in some researches indicate that childrens academic achievements could be worse off due to their high self-esteem. It is evident that self-esteem makes little difference in school performance and it is not wise and not justify for putting a lot of scarce educational resources, in particular in Hong Kong, by boosting self-esteem of children in schools and then looking for unrealistic hope for having significant improvements in students academic achievements. However, this does not mean that educators do not need to put effort on boosting their students self-esteem since this is important for them to bounce back after failure, in particular academic failure, and try again. In general, high self-esteem can make students feel good so that their school performance could be reinforced by other third variables, such as self-control, which are responsible for the correlation between self-esteem and academic achievement.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Walt Whitmans Song of Myself Essay examples -- Song of Myself Essays
In one of the sections from the poem, â€Å"Song of Myself†Walt Whitman starts out with a child asking a question, â€Å"What is the grass?†Grass is a symbol of life. God, who created both the heavens and the earth also gave birth to life. When Whitman refers to grass as a â€Å"handkerchief of the Lord†(7), as a gift. When people look at the grass, they do not think of it as a creation but rather just a plant. Whitman refers to the grass as â€Å"a child, the produced babe of vegetation†(11, 12). Here, the grass is a metaphor for the birth of a child. In often cases, the birth of anything is celebrated because it symbolizes a new life, a new beginning. Whitman in a way compares grass as a human society. He mentions that grass is â€Å"a uniform hieroglyphic†(13) and they â€Å"alike†(14). In scientific terms, all humans are similar to each other and the only aspect that makes each person different is their personality and race. But even if people are racially different from each other physically, every person is the same internally as Whitman puts it: â€Å"Growing among black folks as among white, â€Å"Knuck, T...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Andean/Incan People :: essays research papers
The Andean/Incan people The Andean/Incan people lived in the vast majority of the Andean Mountain ranges of Peru. They were mainly polytheistic and believed it was a series of gods who were responsible for providing the rain, maize, sun, etc. that was needed for daily survival.      Viracocha was the main and greatest god. He was held solely responsible for the creation of Earth, animals and man. He made men out of stone, replicated them and destroyed them according to his whim. Viracocha was considered he divine protector of the Incan rulers or â€Å"Incani’s†.      Inti, the Sun god was the head of the state cult whose worship was mandatory. Every year a special festival called Inti-Raymi was held in Inti’s and the suns honor. Animal sacrifices and ritual dances marked and were often the highlight of the celebration.      Daily prayers were addressed to Apu Illapu, the rain giver, who was responsible for sustaining the Incans food sources. His temples were set high on a mountain so in case there was a flood, the temple would not be destroyed. A flood signified Apu Illapu’s anger and meant a pilgrimage with human sacrifice was necessary to appease him.      Human sacrifice was not widely practices in the Incan religion as opposed to the Aztec religion where human sacrifices were the norm. Both the Incan and the Aztec believed that human sacrifice was a necessity to appease the gods. They felt there was no greater gift than giving your life to a god. Therefore, the sacrificial person as well as the god was honored. Festivals and daily prayers were often marked with dancing, singing and special prayers to the particular god of what they desired. Both fasting and feasting marked super special festivals.      Penitential rituals must be observed if a particular god is displeased. Murder as an act of war was not a punishable offense whereas murder as an act of vengeance was the gravest sin to be committed.      Birth, puberty, marriage and death were all times for special rituals and sacrifices. Therefore, the Andean people’s lives mainly revolved around their religion as, without the gods, they would have nothing. The Spaniards The Spanish conquerors and missionaries arrived upon the New World around 1492 but it took a few years for them to get acclimated to the people and area before they started the conversion of the natives. The Spaniards were staunch Christians and mainly Catholics, under the rule of the Spanish Catholic monarchy.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Sample Police Report
The text below is an example of a police report. Notice the following points about it: * It is written in clear, simple English. * Dates, times and other details are recorded as precisely as possible. (Find some examples of these. ) * The â€Å"register†(i. e. the level of language) is formal. For example, there are no short forms such as â€Å"didn’t†and no colloquial words such as â€Å"nicked†. Similarly, the formal word â€Å"purchased†is used instead of â€Å"bought†. What other examples can you find? * The report is impersonal.The writer focusses on the events and the evidence, not on his own thoughts or feelings. Case Number: VT 05/04/01/3462 Incident: Vehicle Theft Reporting Officer: Constable Ranjit Singh Date of Report: 05 April 2001 At about 1040 hours on 5th April 2001, I met with Ms. Vanessa Price at 61 South Chorley Drive regarding a vehicle theft. Ms. Price said she parked her car by a parking meter outside Chorley Leisure C entre at about 0945 hours and went into a nearby shop to return a faulty torch she had purchased the previous day.She said that when she returned to the leisure centre at about 1000 hours, she discovered her car was missing. Ms. Price described her car as a maroon, 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse with a black convertible roof. The car registration number is GTL-682-P. She estimated the value of the car at  £8,500 and said there were no distinguishing marks or items. Ms. Price told me she locked the car, but she does not have the keys. She now believes she may have left the keys in the boot lock after removing the faulty torch from the boot. Ms.Price said she gave no one permission to take her car, and she is up to date with her loan repayments. I conducted a survey of the crime scene but found no items of evidence. I saw no broken glass in the area, and there were no items to retrieve or photograph. I obtained a sworn statement from Ms. Price and provided her with the case number and Info rmation Leaflet 99/07 (â€Å"What to do when your car is stolen†). I entered the vehicle into the station database as a stolen vehicle. I also searched the area but was unable to find the vehicle.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
My Goals and Walden Vision and Mission Essay
Being an Emergency Room nurse for 7 years and working as a traveling nurse in many different parts of the country has impacted my future and decision of going back to school. My personal career goal is to become a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) with specialization in pediatric critical care area, mainly pediatric emergency medicine. I have known since a very young age that I had a gift for working with children. My colleagues always call me the â€Å"pediatric nurse†. I feel it takes a very special type of person to work with pediatrics, and this is where my heart is. I chose to become a FNP to broaden my area of expertise and to leave multiple doors open to work in different areas. I have looked into numerous FNP programs across the country, but I was particularly looking for a program that would allow me the flexibility with my changing work schedule and lifestyle. A few co-workers of mine are currently going to Walden and informed me about the school and program. After reading the university and School of Nursing’s vision, mission, and goals, I knew that Walden would be right for me. I strongly agreed with many aspects of what Walden stood for as an overall school. I truly connected to Walden’s mission to provide â€Å"a diverse community of career professionals with the opportunity to transform themselves as scholar-practitioners so that they can affect positive social change†(Walden University, 2013a, para. 2). I value that Walden incorporates everyone’s background and experiences to better the learning of other students. Only being a nurse for 7 years, I have worked in over 17 hospitals and feel that I have gained a vast knowledge of how nursing differs in multiple parts of the country. I relate to Walden University’s statement of the diverse community of students helping to bring positive change including nurses from all aspects of healthcare. Furthermore, two of Walden’s University (2013a) outcomes that really caught my attention were to â€Å"demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning†(para. 5), and also to utilize â€Å"knowledge to positively impact†¦ profession, communities, and in society†(para. 5). I want to continue to broaden my knowledge over the life of my career. I also believe in using this knowledge to positively impact others in all aspects of healthcare. Incorporating Social Change I agree with Walden University’s (2013a) view on social change that â€Å"Walden supports social change through the development of principled, knowledgeable, and ethical scholar-practitioners, who are and will become civic and professional role models by advancing the better of society†(para. 4). I plan to incorporate social change in my profession by applying my past work experiences and knowledge from school to become a better professional role model to my patients, co-workers and community. An example of one learning outcome for the Master of Science in Nursing is to â€Å"exhibit ongoing commitment to professional development†(Walden University, 2013b, para. 3). I am constantly trying to learn new ways to improve and better my knowledge and education. I recently obtained my Certified Emergency Nurse certification and will soon be taking the Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse exam. I only hope that with my past experiences and my future knowledge gained at Walden University, I will be able to become a professional advocate and role model for the future of pediatric care and the patient population thereof.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Top Reasons for Choosing a Degree in Medical
Top Reasons For Choosing A Degree In Medical Office Management Aletha McTigrit Kaplan 2012 ? Medical office management jobs are one of the fastest growing professions in the health industry in 2012 predicted to grow as much as 22% in the next 8 years. If you have a desire to work in the medical field but like myself don’t want to work with patients directly, medical office management is a profession you should consider. What is a medical office manager? How much can they earn? What type of person would be a good candidate for a medical office manager position? What would be their responsibilities?How can a person become a medical office manager, and what are some the current issues affecting medical office managers today are just some of the questions I am prepared to answer. Medical office managers are responsible for the non-clinical day to day operations designed to improve and maintain productivity in practices that provide healthcare services. Medical office managerâ€⠄¢s salaries vary state by state depending on the area where you intend to work although according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the median salary for a medical office manager in 2010 holding a bachelor’s degree or higher in a large city was about 86,300 a year.Medical office managers need to be proficient communicator with good human resource abilities who are able to communicate with people from all areas of life; He or she must also be honest, fair, and dependable(Hicks, 2012). Working as an administrator or manager in any type of office has its challenges. Office managers have a large array of duties for which they are responsible that must be accomplished on a daily basis and depending on the size of the organization in which they are employed, some of these duties may include selecting, hiring and training other employees, managing inventory and being solely responsible for bookkeeping,. ut working as an office manager in a medical facility can also include other du ties such as managing the schedules of all the doctor’s that work in the office, addressing complaints made by doctors, staff, patients or insurance companies, supervising patient scheduling, sending out appointment reminders, maintaining confidentiality with patient records as well as staying informed of new laws and regulations that affect the facility to insure the facility is in compliance so being able to multitask without becoming overwhelmed is a plus.Courses needed to obtain a degree in medical office management often include medical terminology, medical office accounting, medical law and bioethics, as well as those in anatomy and physiology Although earning a bachelor’s degree or higher in health science is customary when seeking employment as a medical office manager one can also gain on the job experience and work their way up from a related career such as a medical receptionist, or a medical administrative assistant by taking on larger and more responsible positions as stated in an audio segment on medical office management.After earning a degree in medical office management most professionals will seek to earn their CMM (certified medical manager) credential offered by the PAHCOM (Professional Association of Health Care Office Management) which attest to a person’s professionalism as a healthcare manager nationwide.Being a medical office manager is a challenging profession and one must always be prepared for change whether it be in technology or to stay in compliance with an additional laws or regulations such as HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) other current issues include infection control, internal control to prevent employee misconduct and dealing with unresolved claims.My desire to become a medical office manager was kindled by a desire to expand my education and be the first one in my family to have earned a college degree, and to have a positive impact on my daughter who did not finish high sch ool in hopes she would return and someday in the future hold a degree in her own chosen field. My goal is not to enter the work force immediately although I know I need to complete an externship and clinical requirements in order to obtain my degree.I intend to earn my bachelor’s degree and work part-time in order to qualify for my CMM credentials and possibly move on to earn a master’s degree in Medical office management. I see myself as already having waited 20 years to return to school and continue my education so I am not in any hurry to reach my maximum potential, but instead continue to stay at home and see that my children receive the utmost care and support that I am able to give to them.In 5 years with an estimated graduation date of November 2014. I see myself working as a medical secretary in a doctor’s office in Kokomo near my home town of Peru, IN, holding my CPS (Certified Professional Secretary) and CAP (Certified Administrative Professional) cred entials while working on my bachelor’s degree in medical office management.Based on the assumption that I do not have any more children in the near future my youngest child will be of school age and I will be able to work while finishing my bachelor’s degree and earning my CMM credential and finally begin seeking to earn my master’s degree in medical office management, fortunately for me when people my age are thinking about retiring I will be beginning a career in a profession that I have wanted to work in for as long as I can remember.Taking the steps required to becoming a medical office manager is something that requires a lot of time patience and dedication but will ultimately lead to a rewarding career should you choose to accept the challenge? References A day in the life of a medical office manager (n. d. ) Retrieved from http://extmedia. kaplan. edu/healthSci/HS100/AAMedicalOfficeManagement. mp3 Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor, Occ upational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Medical, and Health Services Managers, on the Internet at http://www. bls. gov/ooh/management/medical-and-health-services-managers. tm (visited November 12, 2012). Hicks, J. , (2012 February 6). 6 current issues for medical office managers Retrieved from http://medicaloffice. about. com/b/2012/02/10/6-current-issues-for-medical-office-managers. htm Hicks, J. , (2012 June 29). Several traits for successful managers Retrieved From http://medicaloffice. about. com/b/2012/06/30/several-traits-for-successful-managers. htmm PAHCOM Certified medical manager overview Professional Association of Health Care Office Management (no date) Retrieved From http://www. pahcom. com/cmm/overview. html
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5
HRM - Essay Example t is, the purpose of the organization, the employee’s expected roles, the working hours, the rewards from the service, terms and conditions in the bond, the deployment of power within the organization and so on. The employment relationship commences when an employer decides to hire a worker, meaning that there is a party involved in overseeing the relationship. It is at this point that a controversy may arise regarding equality and clarity involved in the process. This text will discuss the mentioned controversy, and support in detail why or what makes it uncertain and unequal as well by analysing the three perspectives of the relationship. The employment relationship has two parties who agree to correlate before it qualifies to be called that. In the case where one of the parties involved tends to have a bargaining power that is more than the others are, then it means that they have better options and privileges above the other, which results in inequality. The biggest reason why there exists the notion of inequality in the relationship is that in the modern world, it is far much easier for an employer to hire an employee than it is for the employee to find a job. This condition has been brought about by the economic conditions on the globe that lead to an unbalanced relationship between the numbers of jobs created for the people joining the job market.During the application process for instance, as Orife, Ashamalla & Slack (2003, p. 40)write, some employers use discriminatory criteria in selecting job applicants which in some instances might be unjustified. Such include asking about gender, marital status, race, age, to mention but a few. According to Serna, Perez, Artazcoz, Moen, and Benavides (2013), â€Å"gender differences in power that place men in a better situation than women to bargain their employment conditions†¦ show more men working with a permanent contract and occupying the higher job status positions.†This simply means that even inside
Monday, October 7, 2019
Hierarchical Structure in a Modern Organization Essay
Hierarchical Structure in a Modern Organization - Essay Example In the modern day organizations’ context, the employees’ working within the organization need a supervision that facilitates them to have a clear vision with regard to the organizational goals as well as initiates and influences them to attain or accomplish the desired goals. It has been apparently observed that in the modern day organizational context, prompt decision making has become almost synonymous to every day transactions made within the organization, thus a clear focus that is generally present amid the top level hierarchy facilitates to right decisions and the right time without much fault. The study will also include the counter arguments with respect to the relevance of the hierarchy within the organizations. The existence of the flatten organization is quite unmanageable at times. The invisible hierarchy remains within the flatten organizations as well. If the employees are bestowed with the responsibility to take the decisions freely without any supervisio n, the power- conflict arises within the organizations. Thus, the existence of the flatten structure without any centralized control within the organization can cause both short-term and long-term hindrances within the organizational premises. The relationship between the hierarchy and the â€Å"the tyranny of invisible†and the difference between the hierarchy and the hierarchism will also be included within the study. The existence of the rhizomes structure within the organization also forms an objective of this study.... ost synonymous to every day transactions made within the organization, thus a clear focus that is generally present amid the top level hierarchy facilitates to right decisions and the right time without much fault. The study will also include the counter arguments with respect to the relevance of the hierarchy within the organizations. The existence of the flatten organization is quite unmanageable at times. The invisible hierarchy remains within the flatten organizations as well. If the employees are bestowed with the responsibility to take the decisions freely without any supervision, the power- conflict arises within the organizations. Thus, the existence of the flatten structure without any centralized control within the organization can cause both short-term and long-term hindrances within the organizational premises. The relationship between the hierarchy and the â€Å"the tyranny of invisible†and the difference between the hierarchy and the hierarchism will also be inc luded within the study. The existence of the rhizomes structure within the organization also forms an objective of this study. Thesis Statement Hierarchy is sustainably/fundamentally relevant in the modern day organization. The Sustainable/Fundamental Relevance of Hierarchy in the Modern Day Organization Modern day organizations have various structural options. The structural options range from the traditional structure towards the better innovative and flexible schemes. The hierarchies differ within the structures and the effectiveness of the different structural scenarios followed within the organization upon the compliance of the structural framework with that of the strategic objective of the company/organization (Nestle, 2011). The various structures comprise the functional structure, the team
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Venetian Renaissance (Venice) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Venetian Renaissance (Venice) - Essay Example However, the Venetians differed from the artists of the High Renaissance in the ways that they approached their subjects. Venice exists at the eastern edge of the Italian border, forcing it to remain more open to alternative points of view, such as the concepts of eastern religions and cultures. This made them less controlled by the dictates and prejudices of the Roman church and thus more open to exploration of expression. They were experimenting not only with how to depict realistic-seeming images, but were more intrigued with discovering deep emotional content in their depictions. The Venetians were also more open to artistic nudity, remaining focused on realistic rather than idealized figures. While the basic techniques used in Venice and the rest of Italy were largely the same, the Venetian artists also had the benefit of the unique light of their climate. In working to capture this soft light, the Venetians such as Titian became famous for their delicate reflected
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Is Workplace Drug Testing a Wise Corporate Policy Research Paper
Is Workplace Drug Testing a Wise Corporate Policy - Research Paper Example Why companies enforce drug testing It can not be denied that drug use has substantially changed the norms of behavior among all sectors of society, particularly in the workplace (Carpenter 795; Godfrey and Parrott 30; Walsh 120; Harris 357). Latest available government data showed that 73.8% of full-time workers who use illicit drugs came from only seven industries, namely: accommodation and food services (16.9%); construction (13.7%); arts, entertainment, and recreation (11.6%); information (11.3%); management of companies and enterprises, administrative support, waste management, and remediation services (10.9%); retail trade (9.4%); and other services, except public administration (8.8%) (SAMSHA n. pag.). Violence in the workplace is a serious concern for both workers and employers (Chappell, and Di Martino 15). Interestingly, studies revealed that drug use is a common catalyst of workplace violence (Hanson, Venturelli and Fleckenstein 41). The following reasons summarize employer s’ reasons for implementing drug testing policies: to discourage drug use among employees; negate chances of hiring drug users; identify employees with drug problems and provide assistance for medical intervention; keep the workplace safe; protect the public interest and gain consumer confidence pertaining to workplace safety of their employers; abide by drug testing regulations both on the state and federal levels; and benefit from such programs as the Workers’ Compensation Premium Discount (US Department of Labor par 3). These are the circumstances surrounding the decision of many companies to enforce mandatory drug testing to new recruits and random drug testing to tenured employees. While it is apparent that drug testing is management’s way of adjusting to the changing norms precipitated by drug use among employees, the practice is not readily acceptable for most employees. Management believes that imposing such policy is a necessary evil. Godfrey and Parrot t explained the necessity of curbing drug use among employees on the basis of drug use in the workplace resulting to incurred costs for both management and the employees. This cost is measured according to the impact of drug use on the company productivity. Cost is further broken down into the effect of an employee’s availability to contribute to productivity and the actual productivity of labor while the employee is at work (21). Prevalence of drug testing in the industry Van Fleet and Van Fleet considered safety as the primordial concern of practically all companies especially those working in the assembly line and in medical jobs (74). The trucking industry also conforms to mandated drug testing to ensure the safety of the highways from drug use-related accidents (Jacobson 131). Likewise, transportations companies also police their ranks by complying with the Department of Transportation policy on drug testing (Draper 308). To date, some 40 per cent of companies included i n the Fortune 500 are already enforcing drug screening. These companies, however, revealed that their drug testing policy is more of requirement compliance than admittance that drug use
Friday, October 4, 2019
Reflection paper about residential school Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reflection paper about residential school - Essay Example It seems the schools also had a larger purpose of eliminating the cultures of indigenous people in Canada. The problems started by sending the children to schools far away from home. Putting the native children far away from home and not allowing their parents to visit was psychologically devastating to the children. To worsen the situation, the government developed laws to force every child to attend school and forcefully remove children from school for the retraining. If the residential school system had good motives, then why force children to such schools. I think this was just a plot to remove the Indian culture by breaking the transmission chain through excluding children from their culture and putting them in complete isolation. The government’s slow response to the report issued by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People further highlights the ill motive of the residential school system. The report extensively elaborated the abuse and neglect facing the natives in these schools. The food was inadequate; there is poor sanitation; they were overcrowded; students were malnourished and often abused by the teachers. The children were also exposed to diseases both deliberately and from the poor conditions in the schools. Rape, murder, sterilization and forced electrocution were among the problems reported by the Commission (Cherrington 1). Therefore, one is left to wonder if these are schools or some form of government torturing facilities for suspected terrorists. The residential school was fair to the natives. Despite coming from different cultures, these children are not in any way entitled to be treated as animals. It is important for government and people to respect the ethnic backgrounds and cultures of different individuals. I do not see any reason for developing initiatives to eliminate the customs of the natives. Why even create the residential schools in the
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Chinese nurse-client relationship Essay Example for Free
Chinese nurse-client relationship Essay The Chinese perspective of nursing Nursing is to understand the health status and concerns of a person, to devise interventions with appropriate health knowledge and skills. There are four Chinese characteristics of epistemic concerns. Qing (? ) is emotion. Li (? ) and zhi (? ) means knowing what is good and right in practice through scientific or systematic studies respectively. Xing (? ) is action. The chinese perspective of nurse To nurse, Chinese people generally argree that the role of the nurses is to report their conditions rapidly to doctors. A Confucian principle of hierarchical relationship between doctor and nurses shows that nurses should know their place, defer to their superiors anf know when to call doctors. Solution to chinese implication Some Chinese cultures like belief, value, attitudes and taboos may act as barriers of clients and nurses. It can be tackled by reminding the nurse to be cultural sensitive in caring process. For instances, nurses may consider characteristics of Chinese people. Chinese always avoid the word dead which is a symbol of unauspicious. They can tacit communication approach like euphemism which is indirect words using the end of life. Nurses may apply therapeutic communication strategies: -To be client-focused, problem-oriented and situational based -Classified as supportive-expressive, analytic and consultative -Directive and educationally focused The Chinese culture is conflicts between Chinese culture and health belief of western medicine. To solve it, we nurses acknowledge of culturally specific nature of problem. Another Chinese culture is the tradition perceive problem as family affairs. To solve it, we nurse can build up nurse-client relationship with strong bond of trust by more communication.
Logistics management plays a major role in determining overall success of companies
Logistics management plays a major role in determining overall success of companies Supply chain management Logistics management is an integrating function which coordinates and optimizes all logistics activities, as well as integrates logistics activities with other functions, including marketing, sales, manufacturing, finance, and information technology.(Jonsson, 2008, p 4) Logistics Management or Supply Chain Solutions, both play a major role in determining the overall success of a company. Major consequences are found in supply chain if there is even small variance in inventory; to overcome such consequences an effective logistics is necessary for any organisation. Logistics management involves high level of competences and expert knowledge. Managing from raw material to final stage at right place on right time is handled by logistics management. To leverage opportunity in emerging markets, companies are focusing on consolidating and aligning their supply chain management infrastructure, processes and procedures to reduce costs and improve efficiency. A Supply chain consists of the series of activities and organisations that materials move through on their journey from initial suppliers to final customers. Every product has its own unique supply chain and these can be both long and complicated. (Waters; 2003; p.7) There is a series of steps involved from the origin of services or product and its consumption. The steps involved in this are known as supply chains. The report will provide operations of McDonalds in UK and will emphasis on its supply chain management. Company Background and Introduction: McDonalds Corporation is the worlds leading food service organization. The corporation started out as a small drive-through in 1948 by two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald. In addition, McDonalds opens a new restaurant every three hours. Big Mac is the biggest attraction and backbone of the corporation. Moreover, McDonalds maintains its competitive advantage by constantly creating new items to add onto its menu. This shows us that McDonalds practices an analyzer type of strategy, introducing new items and defending its existing ones. McDonalds opened its first UK restaurant October 1974. In December 2004, there were over 1330 McDonalds restaurants operating in the UK. Around 60% of these are owned and operated by the company. The remainders are operated by franchisees. Each McDonalds restaurant is structured as an independent business, with restaurant management responsible for accounting, operations, inventory control, community relations, training and human resources. Read more: http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/case-studyrecruiting-selecting-training-for-success28-194-1.php#ixzz15v72oKUJ Supply chain management strategy: The complete SCP model http://www.tompkinsinc.com/publications/competitive_edge/articles/11-08-supply_chain_partnerships.asp Supply chain management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion and all logistics management activities. Companies adopt supply chain management to ensure that supply chain is operating efficiently and providing high level of customer satisfaction with low cost. SCM integrates the demand and supply management within and across companies. (Jonsson; 2008; p .5) The quick-service-restaurant (QSR) giant has built an entire process over the years for managing a sophisticated delivery system, starting on the live-animal production side and running all along the supply chain until products reach their final destination as McDonalds customers favourite. Nature and Operation of Organisation: McDonalds Corporation is the world largest chain of fast food restaurant, serving more that 58millions customer every day. A McDonalds restaurant is operated by either franchisee or the corporate itself. The corporation revenue generates from rent, royalties and fees paid by franchisees and also from sales in company operated McDonalds. The menu is consists hamburgers , cheeseburgers , chicken and fish products , French fries , breakfast menu , soft drinks ,shakes and desserts. (McDonalds Website n.d.) Logistics Service Providers: Many organisations do not perform many of their own logistics activities. They arrange logistics service providers to take advantage of efficient and experienced specialists to look after the transport, while the organisation can concentrate on its core operations. An organisation mainly forms a partnership with other company to look after warehousing, purchase of material, material handling and many of the other functions of logistics. When one company uses other companies to run its logistics are known as third party or 3PL or contract logistics. For McDonalds Key stone distribution works as a 3PL. (Waters; 2003; p.90) Keystone Distribution UK is a subsidiary of Keystone Foods LLC, which provides food manufacturing and distribution services to quite a large amount of customers in America, Asia, and Europe. Keystone distribution was formed in 1977 in partnership with McDonalds for its UK baker of hamburger bun and since then company is progressing along with McDonalds. Keystone distributor has been efficiently supplying everything to its existing client need to run the business successfully. Keystones manages a large part of McDonalds UK supply chain and replenishing its 1200 UK stores from mops and ketchup to the essential ambient , fresh , frozen foods that makes up the McDonalds menu. (Logistic Business IT Website; 09.Nov.2009) Structure of Supply Chain: Structuring the supply chain requires an understanding of the demand patterns, service level requirements, distance considerations, cost elements and other related factors. (Rock ford Consulting Website N.D.) Moving of material inward is upstream and outward is downward. The upward activities are divided into tiers of suppliers. A supplier that sends materials directly to the operations is first tier supplier; one that send materials to a first tier supplier is a second tier supplier; one that sends material to a second tier supplier is a third tier supplier and so on to the original source. Customers are also divided into tier. One that gets product directly from the operations is first tier customer and so on to final customers. (Waters; 2003; p.8) http://www.gmtonline.com.my/solutions/B2B/pic/rosett1.jpg http://www.gmtonline.com.my/solutions/B2B/rosettanet_b2b_supply_chain.asp McDonalds deals with different suppliers for its different products and ultimately which aims to provide customers great taste and on affordable price. McDonalds has been working in partnership with household brand such as with Coca cola, Tropicana and Buxton who act as second tier supplier because they supply its products to keystone distribution who works for McDonalds as first tier supplier. Also there are number of other suppliers such as Sun Valley and Moy Park who supply McDonalds with Chicken product all these works as second tier supplier for McDonalds. Also Ecsa, the makers of the beef patties who are key for success of supply chain also supplies its product to McDonalds first tier supplier (Keystone Distributors). All the different supplier deals with Keystone Distributor, who then sends material directly to McDonalds to run the business smoothly by providing on affordable prices, delivering products on time and helps in outward movement of orders and receiving payments fro m customers. Overall, keystone is a important player in structure of supply chain for making upward and downward activity successful. (Make up your own mind Website; March 2009) Managing the supply chain: As the McDonalds UK distributor, its the responsibility of keystone to provide the perfect service and product every time they need and also to coordinate the requirement of hundreds of McDonalds around UK. They work along the supply chain ensuring the quality and reliability is kept while passing delivery to restaurant. In order to achieve this Keystone uses the latest technology and software to work closely with McDonalds marketing and business plan. Keystones ensures managing peak and troughs as they come along for keeping smooth supply chain and ensures there are no out of stocks. On an average Keystone carries five days inventory in their store and delivers three to four times per week inventory in each restaurant. To meet that delivery they have 300 vehicles, tractors and trailers which help them to run these logistic operations within UK and including the Isle of Man and channels Island by delivering around one million cases each week. Their biggest challenge is ensure those v ehicles arrive at the restaurants on time and containing everything being ordered and meeting 100 percent quality of product including frozen, chilled or dry. (Business Review Europe website 10th.July.2010) Inventory Control at McDonalds: McDonalds introduced in 2004 a central stock management function known as Restaurant supply Planning Department. The team build these factors into the new planning and forecasting system called Manugistics which forecast likely demand of finished menu items such as Big Macs. McDonalds deals in three types of stock like every business has: Raw Material: These ingredients go into producing finished product. They are buns, beef patties, paper cups and packaging in case of McDonalds. They are delivered three and five times a week. There are three sections of raw material Frozen, chilled, ambient which arrive together in one lorry so that each product can be stored at their suitable temperature. Work-in-progress: The process of being made into finished product is referring to as Work-in-progress. A Big Mac consists of a bun, two beef patties, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, sauce and a small amount of seasoning. The restaurant waits until the order is placed so that Big Macs stays hot and fresh when served. Finished Stock: The product ready for immediate sale to customer are known as finished products. At lunch time and busy evening hours restaurant will have range of Big Macs and chickens ready for sale to customers. First-in-first-out method is used to handle all stock whether raw material, work-in-progress, or finished product, in order to minimise waste and also it helps in providing fresh food at all time to each and every customer. Inventory Management: The process of making sure there is enough stock at all times to meet customer demand whilst minimising expensive waste is known as stock management. High cost is involved in holding too much stock so McDonalds uses lean stock control method to save money. Inventory ordering manager work with the new stock control system, Manugistics, to ensure sufficient raw stock is available. This helps restaurant to produce the meals required according to the forecasted demand. Forecast is done on the basis of restaurant historic product-mix data from last year, store-specific and national causal factors such as national promotions and school holidays, information from store managers about factors that might affect demand .e.g. road closure or local events and new promotions. Restaurant manager need to ensure that the data they enter into the system is as accurate possible. Every day restaurant manager record opening and closing stock of key food items. Other items are recorded weekly and monthly basis. The store computers system identifies any stock count deviations from last stock count so it gives opportunity to manager to investigate missing product. For example, the manager may have missed off a box of regular meat while counting them earlier on the shift. Ordering Process: The ordering process involves holding a small buffer stock. This is extra amount of inventory held to meet any unexpected higher demand. Inventory manager uses a web based communication software called Weblog to view and amend store order proposals. Each time of ordering weblog creates a proposed order to analyse and amend if necessary. Weblog helps managers to view what quantity have been ordered, how much is the current stock level and how much stock is due to be delivered at a particular time. The system automatically generates a delivery note that gives the exact quantities and descriptions of the delivery. The manager has to click confirm on weblog when they finishes selecting amount of inventory they needed to use. Serving Customer: Competition and increasing consumer preference for variety and healthier food makes McDonalds to expand the range of menu. Customers entering into McDonalds are divided into those who know about menu and those who are new and coming to restaurant first time and are not familiar with menu. Apart from selling food items by itself McDonalds also sell Extra Value meals which consist of a burger, fries and a drink. When customers reaches the front counter and place their order, the till person applies two selling technique. The selling up technique where order is changed by asking customer by suggesting larger portion and also by adding extra item such as drink and another one is suggestive selling technique where any item extra is being asked to sell each and every customer. For example if customers comes and buys two three adults meal and one two children meal and they are being asked if they wanted to buy two apple pies for  £1.50. The till person punches the order on to their till. There are some standard food items which are meant to be held in production bin, the counter person pick the food what is being ordered in a specific sequence which involves cold drinks first, and then hot drinks second, then fries and at last burgers. If a particular food item is not available in the production bin, then the counter person calls the order to the production person who then calls the food order to the grill area. Certain food products in slack period are cooked to order due to their less demand and to avoid waste. When the order in not ready the till person ask the first customer to pay and wait aside if its take away order and if its eat in they ask customer to take a sit and order will be brought to your table, and start dealing with the next person in the line. Every time till person completes the order there is a button served which is to be punched in order to let computer know that the order is finished. As if it not done the computer will not allow taking eleventh order. So every time order is done its necessary to serve it off. Performance Improvement: Keystone manages the supply chain to ensure that there is always sufficient stock to fulfill demand when orders are received. The companys integrated order and management system prints colour coded descriptive picking labels which aid restaurants in stock rotation. Orders are then collated on to a purpose built trailer designed for the simultaneous delivery of frozen, chilled and ambient product stored at appropriate temperatures. This ensures that the restaurants complete order is supplied in one delivery, whilst maintaining the product in perfect condition. This process works extremely well, but there is always room to improve processes. Keystone is working on an initiative that it hopes will further advance the efficiency of the companys operations. Were reviewing the whole of the delivery schedule as well as the entire delivery system in conjunction with McDonalds to try and find a more cost effective and equally eco-friendly delivery schedule with them, says Assal. Thats a major project for us at the moment and were working on that in detail. That will be rolled out in the coming months and it will produce a major cost benefit to the whole McDonalds supply chain. Its also important for Keystones environmental policy to chime with McDonalds high profile efforts in this area. All packaging within our distribution centres, both cardboard and plastics, is collected and recycled we recycle everything from office stationery down to warehouse packaging. At present, we run all our vehicles on diesel that contains five percent bio-diesel. But were working on a project to use 100 percent bio-diesel in all our vehicles by the end of this year, instead of fossil fuel diesel. We believe that will have a neutral effect on the business; it will neither be a cost benefit or a cost saving. We also have a number of initiatives light sensitive switches, low consumption bulbs in our warehouses. We try to play our part and do what we can to reduce our carbon footprint. Its policies like these that make Keystone a truly progressive company, and one that is moving with the times, just as McDonalds updates its operations for a changing fast service industry. http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/budget/ontariobudgets/2004/images/papere2.gif http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/budget/ontariobudgets/2004/papere.html http://lh4.ggpht.com/_k0ovfY0NP70/TGAHWC5Pc-I/AAAAAAAABdY/3kLGhdxvHNk/s800/mcdonalds.PNG http://iamjamesward.wordpress.com/2010/08/09/there-is-only-one/ The diagram below shows the forward flow of materials from upstream to downstream, the bidirectional flow of information, and the movement of money from downstream to upstream. http://www.vivaceproject.com/showcase_html/supply%20chain%20simulation/introduction%20to%20supply%20chain_image1.jpg Flows in the supply chain (from Spekman et al [1998]) http://www.vivaceproject.com/showcase_html/supply%20chain%20simulation/introduction%20to%20supply%20chain.htm It is easy to see that these factors are highly variable in nature and this variability needs to be considered during the supply chain analysis process. Moreover, the interplay of these complex considerations could have a significant bearing on the outcome of the supply chain analysis process. http://rockfordconsulting.com/supply-chain-management.htm
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